Voice PE stops recognizing wake word and requires reboot

After some time (not sure exactly how long yet), my device requires a reboot because it stops responding to the wake word. Pressing the button on top works to activate it, but the wake word does not.

I haven’t seen it mentioned here so… anyone know whats up?

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Exactly the same issue here. Today, it has happened overnight.

Yesterday, it happened somewhere within a 3 hour window. The device just shows as idle in the logbook during those times.

I might have a similar problem, not sure.

It still reacts to the wake word, but after every command it just flashes red and returns to idle, no log messages are created. A reboot fixes that or sometimes it fixes itself after quite a while. Seems like it is losing connection somewhere (using Nabu Casa as backend).

I have now configured a static IP for the Voice Assistant PE to see if that helps.

My issue was happening when using Nabu Casa or Open AI. Other than that (and using Jarvis instead of Nabu), everything else is on default settings, running via the Pi 4.

The static IP approach solved a similar issue I had with my Google Nest Hub thingy a while back.

Edit: didn’t work