Dear Forum,
I have setup the standard voice assistant toolchain together with an M5 Stack endpoint. I am running on a RPi4 with a standard installation.
My Problem is: The system does not recognize any of the default sentences.
What works:
- The M5 is connected to HA
- If I use the wakeword, the system reacts, changes the color and waits for input
- If I set up a simple automation with a custom trigger sentence in German, everything works
What does not work:
- If I continue to speak, I always get the error “sorry, not recognized”
Further Information:
To eliminate all middlemen, followed the Troubleshooting Assist Doc. I went directly to the development screen “sentence parser”
If I use English and the phrase “What is the weather”, I get an output:
name: HassGetWeather
slots: {}
details: {}
matched: true
matched: true
If I switch to German and ask for the wheater in the sentence parser, I get the error “no matching intent”
If I use any other sentences f.ex. “turn on the light” I get the error “no matching intent”
I read somewhere on the internet, that one person had to install the default sentences manually. Maybe those are missing?
Any ideas?