Volatile current readings from NodeMCU vs Wemos D1 Mini

Good Day,

Apologies upfront if this is the wrong forum, I built a power meter using this cct (from Mottram labs):

I built it myself as the time to order the component would be too much (South Africa) and it might be a bit more expensive, I use Wemos D1 for the first device and NodeMCU for the second device. I use esphome to upload both sketches and the calibration values are similar. The problem I have is that the NodeMCU one is way too volatile, I’ve tested with two nodeMCUs and still get volatility. I am measuring my fridge power. Is there a way to reduce this volatility, it looks like the two have a similar average (see below):

I used a known load (kettle) and a regular ammeter to calibrate both. I would appreciate any assistance for reigning the volatility in.

Aside: I was forced to use the MQTT component in esphome for the nodemcu version as the readings were not coming through regulalrly with the api: , the mqtt stream is more reliable .


ESP32 or 8266?

The ESP32 ADC has a selectable voltage range depending on the attenuation option, Analog To Digital Sensor — ESPHome

Also see the note above that about the D1 resistor multiplier.

Thank you, it is a nodemcu esp8266, the stabler one is the wemos d1 mini.

So the D1 reports 0-1v for a 0-3.3v input due to the physical input voltage divider. Does your nodemcu have this and what voltage range are you feeding it?

According to the documentation of the nodemcu, they also have that 220k, 100k voltage divider, The voltage range being fed is 0 - 3.3V as the input to adc is hoked up to 3.3V as per the cct posed in initial post.