Volcano Eruption Automation?

ESP32 + BMP280 + InfluxDB + Grafana seems to have caught the shockwave from the volcanic eruption. I guess we have the capability for automated alerts from volcanic shock waves…

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And nuclear explosions and meteorite impacts and aliens !

I caught it too lol, although mine is low pass filtered:

Seems that the shockwave hit mine little later than yours. Now we need a volcano triangulation integration for HA.

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Need tutorial, how to build, configure and integrate into HA. Thanks

For the curves above ? It’s just barometric pressure. The South Pacific volcano eruption sent a pressure shock wave around the globe and that was picked up. I use a BMP280, like the OP (I’m not using an ESP though). Standard stuff, plenty of tutorials around. Pretty unique occasion with the volcano though, you don’t get something like that every day.

Oh, OK, cool!

You could use a trend sensor and an automation to alert you if the pressure is changing rapidly. It cant tell you what caused that rapid change though.