Voltcraft SEM6000 energy meter

Hi! Did anyone managed to integrate a Voltcraft SEM6000 energy meter? It’s like a smart plug, but also logs the energy consumption and it’s readable via Bluetooth.

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Have you managed to solve this?

BR Tony

Unfortunately no. I had no time to write any python scripts to integrate the meter, but checked the forums for a couple of times, but no out of the box solution :frowning:

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Does this help?


Anyone solved this? got 3 units that i like to intergrate :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too - would love to integrate my sem6000. The App that comes with them is just useless… :wink:

Hi all,
did somebody check if the SEM6000 can be integrated meanwhile with the bluetooth integration in recent HA upgrade?

I checked it few weeks ago when there was that big update about bluetooth stack. I haven’t found SEM6000 I have, but I tried just that one device, so I am not sure if it would not work with different device. Official iOS app worked, so SEM6000 is ok.

Any news 5 months later? Thank you very much

Wanted to use these as well, so I was looking around a bit and found this one:


Anyone tried this so far ? Or are there meanwhile other options ? :smiley: