Vosk: Only possible for hassio users?


I am trying to use Vosk, but there seems to be “only” a hass.io addon.

I tried building the Dockerfile from here, but since there is no CMD it doesn’t run, I guess it is missing some hass.io magic.

Should I run rhasspy instead?


What’s a “Vosk”? A link would help.

There is a link to the hass.io addon in the post :slight_smile: It is a speech recognition toolkit.

Here is a link to the underlying vosk-project.

My issue is that I can’t get it to work because it’s a hass.io addon, but I am not using hass.io.

The link you posted to the Vosk addon does not work.

there is a link to it here. if It helps anyone.

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Thanks, Arh!

Weird, the link works on my end…

I couldn’t find another solution so I created my own container: