W3C Web of Things Dialogue at W3C TPAC

Hi Home Assistant Community!

I am one of the co-chairs of the W3C Web of Things Community Group. Every year the W3C meets for the TPAC event and this year, we are proposing a session for having an open dialogue with the Home Assistant Community.

The session proposal is online at w3c/tpac2023-breakouts#50. Among other applications, WoT can be used for reducing the friction of adding integrations to Home Assistant.

We would like to invite members of the Home Assistant community to join us to discuss how the two communities can collaborate in the future.

WoT Homepage is available at: WoT Homepage


Hi Home Assistant Community! As the other co-chair of the WoT CG, I want to chime in on the discussion and hope to see you at TPAC or in our discord server!


So this proposal is confirmed and the event details are available at TPAC 2023: Breakouts schedule . Since we cannot post the Zoom link publicly, please send me ([email protected]) or Cristiano an email :slight_smile: