W800RF32 - Can't get it working for X10 Wireless Devices

Hello all,

I’m a 20 year Homeseer user just starting out with HomeAssistant.

The devices for the W800RF32 show up in the configuration, but the status of my motion detectors never change (never goes on with motion). Everything was working fine in my Homeseer setup.

I’ve installed HA 2021.2.0 in Docker on an Ubuntu box.
Hardware: W800RF32 (serial) plugged into a 2-port Serial PCI card. (US version on 310MHz)

I’ve set the following configuration in configuarion.yaml. As you can see by the config, I’m just starting out.

I’m pretty certain I have the correct device (/dev/ttyS4) because I have:

  1. Connected to that port with tio and was able to see gibberish appear in the terminal every time motion was sent by a motion detector.
  2. Google led me to a test to look at some output before and after unplugging the W800RF, and the only device that showed a change when unplugging was /dev/ttyS4

Please note that I’m not interested in running Homeseer to feed info to HA. I left Homeseer for several reasons. I’d also prefer to run the W800RF32 natively in HA rather than use heyu. My goal is to keep the setup as simple as possible.

I’ve read every article that search brings up for “W800RF” and followed the instructions here.

Any help would be most appreciated!


# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

# Arduino Digital I/O Configuration
# USES firmata
  - serial_port: /dev/ttyACM0
    serial_baud_rate: 57600

      - name: Mailbox
        pin: 4
        pin_mode: PULLUP
        negate: true

      - name: Front Door
        pin: 5
        pin_mode: PULLUP
        negate: true

      - name: Back Door
        pin: 6
        pin_mode: PULLUP
        negate: true

      - name: Back Doorbell
        pin: 8
        pin_mode: PULLUP
        negate: true

      - name: Front Doorbell
        pin: 9
        pin_mode: PULLUP
        negate: true

# W800RF32 (Wireless X10 Motion detectors, Mouse traps)
  device: /dev/ttyS4

    platform: w800rf32
        name: Living Room Motion
        name: Kitchen Motion
        name: Guest Bathroom Motion
        name: Basement Motion
        name: Computer Room Motion
        name: Guest Bedroom Motion
        name: Bedroom Motion (N)
        name: Bedroom Motioin (S)
        name: Bedroom Closet Motion
        name: Back Porch Motion
        name: Front Porch Motion

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Hey Doug,

Did you end up figuring this out? I’d love to keep using my W800RF32 hardware, but I’m hoping you found a solution before I dive into a Node-RED based approach.

Hi Zmodem,

Nope, I never did get it figured out. I’m kind of disappointed that no-one in the forums was able to help.

Went a different route as I’m running a Linux server in addition to Home Assistant. I’m now using Heyu to interface with the W800 and, through a custome script, send MQTT messages to Home Assistant. Not the kind of plug and play solution I was hoping for.

I am too!!

I am hoping to revive this one!

Did you guys get this working?

I am a “me too” on this