Wait for trigger not working?

Hi, I have a problem with a wait_for_trigger: event.
When the event fires, the event trigger becomes blue and is marked as triggered, but the wait_for_trigger doesn’t resume and results in a None after timeout. When i click on the blue line, I can see all information of the event that was fired and triggered.
The interesting thing is, that the same wait_for_trigger: event works well in a different script (which is called previously in the first script where I have the problem.

The first script with the problem:

alias: Alexa - Hello World
  - variables:
      device: media_player.echo_dot_wohnzimmer
  - service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
      text: Ja oder nein?
      event_id: hello_world
      alexa_device: "{{ device }}"
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
          event_id: hello_world
    alias: Auf Antwort warten
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  - variables:
      response_type: "{{ wait.trigger.event.data.event_response_type }}"
      response: "{{ wait.trigger.event.data.event_response }}"

The second script which is working:

alias: Activate alexa_actionable_notification
description: Activates an actionable notification on a specific echo device
    description: The text you would like alexa to speak.
    example: What would you like the thermostat set to?
    description: Correlation ID for event responses
    example: ask_for_temperature
    description: Alexa device you want to trigger
    example: media_player.bedroom_echo
    description: Set true if you want to suppress 'okay' confirmation
    example: "true"
  - if:
      - condition: not
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ event_id is search('(external_request)') }}"
      - service: script.alexa_lautstarke_einstellen
        data: {}
    alias: Bei nicht-externer Anfrage die Lautstärke einstellen
    enabled: false
  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.alexa_actionable_notification
      value: >-
        {"text": "{{ text }}", "event": "{{ event_id }}",
        "suppress_confirmation": "{{ suppress_confirmation }}"}
    alias: Ausgabetext setzen
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: "{{ alexa_device }}"
      media_content_type: skill
      media_content_id: amzn1.ask.skill.999
    alias: Actionable Notification senden
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
          event_id: "{{ event_id }}"
    alias: Auf alexa_actionable_notification response warten
  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.alexa_actionable_notification
      value: >-
        {"text": "Was kann ich für dich tun?", "event": "external_request",
        "suppress_confirmation": "true"}
    alias: Default-Text setzen

Here is a screenshot from the fired event which triggered the event trigger and the error message because of the timeout which has no event data:

It makes no difference wheather I define a timeout or not, but this way I can try it several times without a never ending script…
It also makes no difference wheather I define the event_id fix or via variable.

The combination of the way you are calling the script and the fact that you have the same event being listened for in the second script means the event has already passed when the first script starts listening for it.

Waiting for Scripts to complete

Oh well… Of course that’s the reason why I can wait forever.