"wait until" - node not working


i have the following flow which starts my vacuum robot at a fixed time and waits for a certain amount of time. If the robot is not back docked after this timeframe, it should send a notification that the vacuum is probably stuck somewhere in my apartment and needs help. This is done with a “wait until” node. Recently i have noticed that i do not get any notification when the vacuum is stuck, so i attached a flogger node to each flow’s node to log all messages occuring in the flow and paused the vacuum with its hardware buttons in the next run. It seems that the “wait until” node does not fire any event.

This is the flow: https://pastebin.com/MggZM2cj

This is the resulted log with all message events:

{"time":"2020/05/29 10:30:00","level":"INFO","var":"msg","message":{"cronplus":{"triggerTimestamp":1590741000000,"status":{"type":"static","isRunning":true,"count":1,"limit":0,"nextDescription":"in 1 day","nextDate":"2020-05-30T08:30:00.000Z","description":"At 10:30 AM"},"config":{"name":"Starte Saugvorgang","expression":"0 30 10 * * *","payload":"payload","type":"str","limit":null}},"topic":"Starte Saugvorgang","payload":"payload","_msgid":"8b75b9bc.07b668"}}
{"time":"2020/05/29 10:30:00","level":"INFO","var":"msg","message":{"cronplus":{"triggerTimestamp":1590741000000,"status":{"type":"static","isRunning":true,"count":1,"limit":0,"nextDescription":"in 1 day","nextDate":"2020-05-30T08:30:00.000Z","description":"At 10:30 AM"},"config":{"name":"Starte Saugvorgang","expression":"0 30 10 * * *","payload":"payload","type":"str","limit":null}},"topic":"Starte Saugvorgang","payload":"payload","_msgid":"8b75b9bc.07b668"}}

What is strange but okay is that the timer node emits two messages, but what really bugs me is that the “wait until” node does not emit any message, even when the 50 minute countdown is finished. What could be the root cause of that?

Have a look at : Wait until strange behaviour

I never had any explanation on this. But instead of having the information set IN the node, as you did you put this BEFORE and rely on msg.payload, at least for me it works.


This was solved for me with an upgrade of the Home Assistant node component inside node-red