Wake On Lan all the sudden not working anymore

Good day everyone…
I have used this lovely feature a lot and all the sudden it is not doing it anymore.
Did i miss an upgrade that deprecated something or changed syntax?
Til it stopped i had “wake_on_lan:” in my configuration.yaml (not sure if i actually need it in there or not)
And a Button Card with the following code:

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: call-service
  service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
  target: {}
    broadcast_port: 9
    mac: 24:4b:fe:00:xx:xx
name: Office PC
show_state: true
entity: switch.start_darkwing_pc
icon: mdi:desktop-classic

Is there any log file that would show that it was sending it or failed or such?

Thx alot!!!

I have the same here… worked for a year and now stopped

I still haven’t been able to get it back working

I checked my logs after searching for solutions and i get this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.homeassistant
Source: helpers/config_validation.py:1200
integration: Home Assistant Core Integration (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:34:28 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:39:43
The wake_on_lan integration does not support any configuration parameters, got [{'url': '/hacsfiles/ha-card-weather-conditions/ha-card-weather-conditions.js', 'type': 'module'}, {'url': '/hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js', 'type': 'module'}]. Please remove the configuration parameters from your configuration.

But i dont have any obvious reltionship with this weather card and wake on lan…
Could there be a bug in the weather card that prevents my wol?
With every other tool i can start the PC, so it is not the computer in question…
I did test with the switch code below and a button that is below that:

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    name: Start the Office-PC
    mac: "24:4B:FE:00:1B:1E"
show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: perform-action
  target: {}
    broadcast_port: 9
    mac: 24:4B:FE:00:1B:1E
  perform_action: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
name: Office PC
show_state: true
entity: switch.start_darkwing_pc
icon: mdi:desktop-classic

Finally found an option that works…
The switch as a toggle does wotk but throws an interesting error…
"Failed to perform the action switch/turn_off. Not a valid addon-on slug for dictionary value @data[addon]
But the code for the switch does not have any turn off in it

I’m using the following and it works with no errors logged. No broadcast_address used.

  - platform: wake_on_lan
#   Wake on Lan Only works on hardwired connections - no WiFi
    name: lg_tv_living_room_wol
    host: LGwebOSTV.local
    mac: b4:b2:91:d4:f3:11

This is the code from Developer Tools - Actions:

action: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
  broadcast_port: 9
  mac: b4:b2:91:d4:f3:11

Edit 2…
I call this from Node-Red and the broadcast_port isn’t used - just call the switch_turn_on command with the mac address.