I started my HA journy a couple of days ago and there’s been a lot to learn, but now I am stuck at wake on LAN and switches.yaml.
I have started using IoTlink to monitor my pc and push command such as display off, shutdown, hibernate, etc… and it has been working wonderfully, but now I would like to be able to wake my pc up, after some googling and researching I found that wake on LAN is what I seek.
I tried following https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/wake_on_lan
and Use home assistant to turn your computer on and off | JuanMTech
But I can’t get it to work, I have wake on lan enabled in my network adapter and BIOS on PC.
I also don’t have and can’t create a switches.yaml
when I try to create a new .yaml named switches through visual studio code and use !include in configuration.yaml I get the error below when checking the configurations.
Component error: switches - Integration ‘switches’ not found.
Current segment of configration.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
switches: !include switches.yaml
# Wake on LAN - paper
- platform: wake_on_lan
name: "Wake-up Pokeball PC"
mac_address: "1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F"
I tried moving the paramaters to switches.yaml but I can’t because of the error above, so now I have the configuration in configuration.yaml and then use a script to call it but with no luck.
script is below:
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.wakeup_pokeball_pc
Could someone explain to me why would it not be working? and also how can I split my configration.yaml and other files such as shell.yaml, switches.yaml, etc