Wake on lan not working from HA


I cannot get HA to successfully send a WoL packet to my TV. It works, if I use the android “Wake On Lan” app on my phone, specifying MAC and Broadcast.

Here’s my config:


  - platform: wake_on_lan
    name: lg_tv
    mac: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
    host: xx.xx.xx.xx

  host: xx.xx.xx.xx
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.lg

My HA is installed using a script from the HA website (forget the install method) and runs on a NUC running Ubuntu. Everything else works and the homeassistant container’s network is host.

I’m stuck here - I have no idea how to debug this.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Does the WOL switch alone work?
The switch in the webostv config should be switch.lg_tv, i think.

Can you post what you are actually entering? Giving us you internal mac address and IP doesnt give away anything we can use maliciously. Can you confirm the broadcast address is not that, but something ending in .255 (for a /24 subnet).

No, the switch does not work either. It can detect the status of the TV, but not turn it on. I see the typo you’re referring to (didn’t catch that yet), but so far I have been trying to get just the switch to work.

The broadcast address is taken from here - and when I enter it into the android app in combination with the mac (Wake on Lan app), it does turn on the TV - both on WiFi:

The IP address is and the mac 44:cb:8b:19:94:f6 but I don’t think that makes a difference.

Try putting you Mac address in double quotes
mac: “xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx”

Also, unless you have an advanced network (multiple vlans/subnetting" you don’t need the broadcast address

Thank you! That worked :slight_smile: