Wake on Lan switch entity missing after 0.103.0 update

I had a Wake on Lan switch running previously that would turn on a machine but not register the status of if the machine was on. After updating to 0.103.0 the switch entity is now missing. I made the change to my config to update it from mac_address: to mac: but that did not resolve the issue. The entity used to be in a switch.yaml file so I moved it into my main configuration.yaml file, but it still does not show the entity.

Here is the excerpt from my Configuration.yaml file for the switch.

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    mac: "70-85-C2-55-90-86"
    name: "gnome_1"
    host: ""
    broadcast_address: ""
      service: shell_command.turn_off_gnome1

I am running hass.io using the VMDK on an ESXi host

HA version:


I removed the switch configuration. Rebooted the hass server. Then readded my configuration back in and rebooted again. The Wake On Lan switch is now functioning and is actually reporting the on/off state of the computer to boot. I know a straight reboot didn’t fix it, but I don’t know if I actually had to reboot it after removing AND readding the configuration, but one of those steps seems to have fixed the issue.

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PSA: Mac address attribute used to be (or was accepted as well) mac_address, but only mac is correct a couple versions ago.
I could not figure this out for the life of me, then finally changed it, and voila, fixed the issues for me.