Wake on Lan switch not sending over ethernet

Hi guys, I’m trying to get the WOL packet to send over ethernet. Previously I simply had my rasbian raspberry pi send a magic packet to my mobo’s ethernet connection, and it worked before. Now I’m trying to get the same thing to work in HA. I am using the AIO in a pi 3 and I’ve tried to use the wol switch, however the packet is being broadcasted through wifi, as confirmed from unplugging the ethernet from the pi and my mobo. How can I get HA to send the WOL packet exclusively through ethernet?

- platform: wake_on_lan
  mac_address: "4C:CC:6A:05:AC:1E"
  name: "WOL"
  host: ""

EDIT: ended up just installing etherwake as root, creating a script with sudo etherwake, and added homeassistant in sudoers to be allowed to run the script.


I installed all components from this thread and it works like a charm. Can you please post a screenshot from the error message when you try to install etherwake with apt-get?


I think thats a problem with Hass.IO. You can’t install the packages directly on the “host”.

I have no knowledge with Hass.IO. So maybe someone else can help.

