Wake on lan vs Kodi WOL

I have wake on lan working on HASS for the switch with the following

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    mac: !secret milano_mac
    # name: "Milano"
    host: !secret milano_ip

but I can’t get the wake on lan to work on the Kodi integration

  - platform: kodi
    host: !secret milano_ip
    port: 8088
    name: TV Kodi
      - service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
          mac: !secret milano_mac
          broadcast_address: !secret milano_ip

Can anyone see why this won’t work. I am running Home assistant core on unraid docker.


Not sure if that helps, but the broadcast_address cannot be the host ip.

If that doesn’t help, you can also try to use the working WOL switch for it.

      - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.milano

well that would make sense! So instead it should be the home assistant IP address?

I will also try with the switch, thanks so much, i didn’t know you could do that!

No, the broadcast address is normaly the xxx.xxx.xxx.255.

thanks for that i will fix it up