Anyone got any recommendations for light bulbs to function as wake-up lights?
It’s frustrating to read through all the listing for light bulbs, but only the maximum brightness is advertised.
Light fixture is B22, but I have adaptors for E14 and E27.
I’ve tried Ikea and Osram zigbee white E14 bulbs, both are too bright at 1%. The amount of light at 1% is just about about what I’d want at the END of wake-up phase. It’s dim so won’t wake up wife, just enough light for me to get ready.
Ideally, at full brightness it can also do 400+ lumen to match the other bedside lamp. So when both are on, there won’t be any need for ceiling light during bedtime.
I have a Walk in wardrobe, wife use to wake me up in the early hours of the morning when she was getting dressed and turned the lighrs on. I put normal led strips in with a motion sensor and problem solved.
Now during thus Xmas I got lots of addressable leds, with a nodemcu and wled. It’s probably a better solution for you as a wake up light. And you can dim it down to nothing plus you can have work out how many leds you actually need and just use that from 1 to what ever plus you can transition to a sunrise effect. Rob on thehookup as a good video