Wal-Mart ONN Tablets as cheap semi-dedicated display?

Wal-Mart, much as I hate them, has released a new tablet for $79 for a 16GB/2GB 10" Android (Pie) tablet, with 1280x800 screen.

As android tables go the specs are mediocre, the camera poor, but… that’s pretty darn cheap for a decent sized tablet to mount on a wall or set on a stand and be a dedicated HA display.

Has anyone tried it? Does it have weird restrictions or forced advertising like a Fire? (Reviews seem to say not).

I was thinking about a Galaxy Tab from Costco for something like $169, and it ran older OS (I missed the sale procrastinating). This is a lot cheaper. The 8" is $64, same resolution just smaller pixels.

I just don’t trust there’s not a catch, but there also doesn’t appear to be much risk at tht price?



Buy one, play with it, return it if it sucks. Questions answered. :slight_smile:

Why, never thought of that. :unamused:

But I was out to dinner and drove by a Wal-Mart on the way, looked at my phone during dinner and they had one, so went on the way back. They no longer had any (took about 20 minutes of clerk searching to be told that).

Got home, looked online again, and now it says they have them. Sigh…

Did I mention how much I like Wal-Mart?

If the device is running pie (android 9) then I believe it should be able to run home assistant’s web interface in it’s browser - this is the main problem with cheap tablets - they have older versions of android and the web browsers are not up to snuff.

If it doesn’t, send it back, or run another interface like hadashboard.