Wall Beam motion sensor

I was wondering if there is something like a motion sensor but not wide. I just want to put it on top of a wall so if someone jumps it will trigger. Kinda like garage door laser sensor but something smart which may work with zigbee etc

Wall is around 25 feet

I bought these for my garage but haven’t installed them yet. I will hook them up as a binary sensor using ESPhome

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Have you installed it? I’m looking for a beam sensor but I’m not sure how to set it all up. I was also thinking about using ESPHome

Yep, I installed them and they worked as binary sensors in ESPhome. I have since Uninstalled them because they didn’t work well for my application.

My garage is very small and is quite common that the car is parked 4cm away from the folded iron door…
Sometimes I park the car and it is not away from the movement area of the garage door, so I have to return to the car, and rear it 2 or 3 cm more.
So, I need to “built a line/wall”, that if it is interrupted the car is not on a safe position and it would turn on a few RED LEDs, when in safe position it would turn on a few GREEN LEDs.

I find this laser optic sensor, that says it would work up to 6m. My garage door have 5m. https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005382850864.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.60f64ae4a2rfZT&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu

@bphillips921 can you share the yaml that you used on ESPHome? What about the wiring?

About the laser optic sensor that I found, would I go for NPN or PNP? NO or NC?

Does anyone recommend other solution?

Thanks in advance!