Wall dashboard ambilight for notifications and entity states using WLED integration

Based on feedback from Facebook group I decided to post this “project” here on the forum as well. I do have wall-mounted tablet to inform me what is happening in my home and to be able to control basic staff by other home members (e.g. heating, blinds, security panel…).

One thing that I was missing were visuals to inform me from further distance about the most important states for me. E.g. whether the security is On when I do leave the house, If some doors are left open, if additional floor heating is running, what is the current energy flow (consuming/producing) etc. I know that for regular person it’s not needed, but I do love to see that things do work like they are supposed to. I discovered “addressable” LED stripe only recently and decided to use it as an “ambilight” for my wall tablet for this purpose.

Video Sample

Things needed:

  • Addressable RGB LED stripe (WS2812B)
  • WLED controller – I used this one - https://iot4.eu/product/iot4wled/
  • 5V power supply or any alternative (e.g. 12V-5V DC/DC converter)
  • Welding machine, some cables and time

Setup is straightforward. Install LED stripe to the tablet, connect to controller and power supply, setup controller to connect to local wifi. WLED controller was discovered immediately by HA.

To setup different areas for notification/indication, you need to build preset in WLED interface. You can define as many segments (starting and ending LED) as needed and then save them to one preset. You don’t need more presets. Once finished, reload integration in HA and you will see segments from selected preset in HA. Here you can control those segments independently including brightness and color. You won’t need WLED interface anymore.

Then it’s just on your imagination how and when to use selected segment within your automations. You can build also other fancy preset to decorate your wall tablet to impress your friends, use it as a ambient lighting or use presets for alarm states or doorbell notifications :wink:.


Today I realized that M10 tablet has 2 pins for dock at the bottom. One of the LED stripe benefits is 5V supply always available. So I soldered those 2 docking pins to led stripe and here we go, no more ugly usb cable needed :slight_smile:


Ahoj hodně pěkné !! Taky se chystám na instalaci wall panelu, jaký používáš tablet ? Koukám po netu ale nechci utrácet peníze za iPad nebo Samsung.
Diky za info.

Lenovo M10.