Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

No problem. Keep up the good work. Whatever happened with updated dimmer widget?

This was a WIP by @chanders - it was looking really cool but he hasn’t posted it yet - I am ever hopeful :slight_smile:

Hey bud; hope the trip went well!

Any update on the alarm panel? Will that be merged soon?

In about 3 seconds …

Just pushed a new release:

Version 1.6

  • Merge Haalarm widgets contributed by Soul
  • Allow Haweather units to be specified as a parameter

Breaking Changes

It is now necessary to explicitly specify the units for the weather widget or no units will be shown.

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Still looking at foreground color changes - its a lot harder than it looks. Also working on the Docker images but I need some more time to come up to speed on Docker before I merge them in.

Watch this space …

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Thanks for all your hard work - I know what I’m working on tomorrow…

Not so fast Rob - more goodness is here :slight_smile:

Just pushed another release:

Version 1.7

  • Add Docker support contributed by marijngiesen
  • Add Raspberry PI Docker support contributed by snizzleorg
  • Fix Hasensor to allow text fields fix suggested by splnut
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Just pushed a minor update:

Release Notes

Version 1.71

  • Remove decimals introduced by Hasensor text fix

If you get time can you add some more details about stashing changes before doing a git pull origin. I have been making some modifications to the widgets and I am a little shaky on doing pulls and losing my modifications.

I am no git wizard, but I think your best approach is as follows:

  1. Always make changes in a new branch
  2. Ideally commit before switching back to master and pulling
  3. Second best, stash your changes, switch to master and pull, switch to new branch, stash apply and carry on with edits
  4. Third best, stay on master make changes, stash them, pull and stash apply and merge

(step 3/4 might cause conflicts you need to resolve)

Rule 1 is always your best bet - it helps keep things separate.

Yah. I took 4s approach and it failed for me. I am not a wizard either, I’ll read up on branches.

Yep, that’s the best way, and improving Git knowledge is a bonus for all of us :wink:

By the way - I just found out a couple of days ago, if you have started changes on the master branch by accident, you can stash them, create a new branch, check it out then stash apply the changes and they will be on the new branch.

I’ve been playing with RSS feeds for news and traffic. I updated the config file with the links to the feeds, however, the changes are not reflected on the dashboard. Its still displaying news and traffic from the default feeds that come with the project.

Did you remember to change the widget(s) to reflect the new name of the feed (if you changed it)?

If so, post your ha_conf.rb and your widget XM and I’ll have a look.

`$ha_url = “blank”
$ha_apikey = “blank”

$news_feeds = {
“Traffic” => “http://www.stltoday.com/search/?q=&d1=&d2=&s=start_time&sd=desc&c=news%2Ftraffic*&l=100&f=rss&t=article,link,html,collection”,
“News” => “http://www.stltoday.com/search/?c=news%2Flocal,news%2Flocal%2F*&d1=&d2=&s=start_time&sd=desc&l=50&f=rss&t=article,html,collection,link”,

`<% content_for :title do %>BennyHOME<% end %>

<li data-row="1" data-col="3" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
  <div data-id="weather" data-view="Haweather"></div>

<li data-row="3" data-col="2" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
  <div data-id="Traffic" data-view="News" data-title="Traffic" data-interval="30" data-bgcolor="#643EBF">

<li data-row="3" data-col="5" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
  <div data-id="News" data-view="News" data-title="News" data-interval="10">

That all looks OK - you will also need to restart Dashing to pick up the changes.

dashing restart

That depends how you are running it - from the command line just ctrl-C and run it again, If you have a startup script YMMV, it depends how you set it up in the first place.

restart did it. thanks.

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