Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

Excellent - hope you enjoy it!

is there anyway to add authentication like if i want my dashboard to be availible externally (for my phone for example) withouth others just being able to access it if they know the url / port itā€™s running on ?

i tried adding the basic authentication part from here to my config.ru but did not seem to ask for a password.

edit: nevermind it does work you just need to restart hadashboard :slight_smile:

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@aimc Thanks for the quick merge on my gridster column fix. I ended up using a smaller base widget size in my dashboards to get more flexibility and things kept going wonky until I figured out adding the line to the application.coffee.

No problem - thanks for contributing the fix :slight_smile:

@Soul thanks for that link about the sounds

iā€™m adding sounds for when i click a digit number for the alarm just by adding changing the onclick event to this code in haalarmdigit.coffee:

onClick: (event) ->
    state = 'on'
    @set 'icon-style', 'icon-active'
    @set 'title-style', 'title-active'
    audiosound = @get('sound')
    audioplayer = new Audio(audiosound) if audiosound?
    if audioplayer
    @_timeout = setTimeout(@turnOff, @['ontime'] ? 700)

itā€™s just adding the audioparts. I then added sounds/beep.wav to the public folder and added this data-sound="/sounds/beep.wav" property to the dashboard file so it becomes this

<div data-id="1" data-view="Haalarmdigit" data-title="1" data-digit="1" data-sound="/sounds/beep.wav" data-alarmentity="appartement_alarm"></div>

The sound plays fine in chrome for my windows pc. It also plays on chrome on my android tablet although there is a delay it seems.

Not sure if it happens due to the fact it has to get the wav file each time or something else but on chrome on my pc it plays fine :slight_smile:

on my android phone the first time i click a button thereā€™s a noticable delay the 2nd time itā€™s less noticable but thereā€™s still a delay but way less compared to my crappy tablet

edit: removed it, my tablet has just a too long audiodelay before it starts playing doesnā€™t feel / sound right then too bad
edit2: i switched to automations now to play a wav file with beeps during pending state when going from disarmed to pending, when going from armed_away to pending (i donā€™t use armed_home) and one last automation for going from pending to disarmed to disable all sounds. I use shellcommands in combinations with mplayer. The pending and trigger one basically start playing the ā€œbeepā€ wav file which has beep sounds in it and itā€™s length is equal to the pending / trigger times. The one for going from pending to disarmed just kills all mplayer instances effectively stopping all pending sounds. Works great i just have to edit my wav file so that it beeps faster nearing the end of the pending times so i know how much time i have to leave my appartment / disarm the alarm :slight_smile:

Hey guys, i attached my old tablet to the wall using velcro. This was actually not that great of an idea, while pulling of my tablet it ripped the back of my tablet half open as well as removed one side of the velcro patch from the wall with the paint of the wall attached to it. Anyway i figured the damage has been done so i can keep it like this and if i ever move iā€™ll repaint that little part. So watch out using velcro on walls to attach your panel :slight_smile:

My dashboard has a few scenes to control my hue lights, displays power usuage from my wemo insight plugs that gets the information from my emoncms feedā€™s. It also displays the cpu, ram and disk usuage of my intel nuc running windows 10 where hadashboard ./ home assistant etc is running on. Lastly it shows temprature & humidity from my fridige, living room and city.

Iā€™m also using the alarm component

You can see a little youtube video of my hadashboard here the beeps you here during alarm pending state are done using home assistant automations to let me know about the pending state when i arm the alarm & trigger the pir sensor to have time to enter my code.

Thanks again for this great addition to home assistant :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing - I love to see what people are doing with the Dashboard :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for creating/porting this, very much appreciated.

Itā€™s exactly what I need to make my Home Assistant accessible by family members.

Iā€™ve got it all mostly working thanks to the tips here in this thread. I even have an Andrew in my known devices now and Home Assistant tells me Andrew is not home. (well, not any more)

I too have a tablet mounted with velcro dots, an old nexus 7 2012. No dramas with my tablet or wall. Cheaper quality velcro maybe. I ended up using Fully Kiosk to run it, it has a nifty motion detector that turns the tablet screen on and refreshes the dashboard on approach. Also resizes the page width. What does everyone else use on android to get a kiosk mode? This was the first free one I found so havenā€™t yet tested with anything else.

I noticed a few different icons in peoples widgets - does HaDashboard pull this from the home assistant customize settings for icon: ?

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Hi there - glad you like it, and it sounds like you have a cool setup :slight_smile:

Regarding the icons - no, its a different icon set built into dashing, and you can specify the icons in the widget description. Here is a list of the ones you can use:

Well maybe, if sluggish is cool. Iā€™ll be keeping a watch out for a tablet in 10" but might see if I can find a pi suitable touchscreen instead. Thanks for the cheat sheet, I worked it out, but not on a device level - Iā€™ll get a bit more code experience before I tackle that.

Iā€™m going to do a complete reinstall on new hardware soon, I fumbled my way through the install and havenā€™t much linux experience so I was wondering if next time I do it the install location matters? I was in the root directory when I started, would it be better to install in the HASS directory?

And also, do I need to copy the two .service files in the init setup you provided or just the two that we edit? And did I need to change the name of dashing file to dashboard? I did these things and it works but sometimes I need to do a couple of reboots for it to start up properly.

Itā€™s your choice really - it makes no real difference. For all of my open source bits and pieces I have a directory called /export/source and put it under there, but that is just my personal system. The meaning of the /export is lost in the mists of time, thatā€™s what we used to call it 15 years ago when I was using Solaris, and I am comfortable with the name :slight_smile:

The way I had it setup was that the service files call the dashing and hapush files so you would need all 4. The problem here is that there are several ways to do this, and also various flavors of Linux differ - for that reason I didnā€™t attempt to write exhaustive instructions, and assumed that people would be able to fill in the gaps themselves. For people less familiar with Linux, this is obviously not the case, however I canā€™t document it for every platform as I only have a PI and an Ubuntu installation myself *and the PI is decommissioned).

If you do that you will break the dashing.service file as it expects it to be called dashing.

Thank you aimc, as I said it all worked but I just thought I might have it done wrong or have doubled up on files and cluttered things in the init.d directory unnecessarily. I did both and copied everything at the time.

Your instructions must be pretty good as I am an absolute beginner and managed to get there after a day of trial and error. Other than installing HASS via the AIO script for the Pi this is the first time I have ever really used linux. I think youā€™ve done a great job and I wish there was some way I could do something for you.

Another beginner question - I changed my Hadimmer light switches in the .erb to be "data-sizex=ā€œ1ā€ data-sizey=ā€œ2ā€ and it broke them, they were still there and reporting but no longer interactive. I think dimming worked but not the on/off toggle. I worked out the problem through trial and error but would like to understand for next time I break something. Changing X works, but changing Y does not. It does work on Haswitch though. Is it it to do with the bit about " .toggle-area { " in the widgets .scss?

Feel free to ignore or leave my beginner questions for someone else to answer too aimc, I feel bad wasting your time on basic stuff like this.

Itā€™s fine, any questions are cool.

Regarding the dimmer - you likely fond a bug - I didnā€™t originally write the Hadimmer widget so I am unsure. Iā€™ll take a look when I get home from vacation next week.

I still have not been able to get hapush to work. From what I can tell it should be working. Iā€™m running this on RPI3.

It appears hapush is running but isnā€™t processing requests:


Looks like it isnā€™t finding any dashboards so doesnā€™t know which entities to update.

How can you tell? Should I be seeing something right away? Regardless of any events on HASS?

Update: BINGO!

Had to update config for full path to hadashboard:

Now I just need to get the docker to work with my unRaid system then I will be set. Has anyone tried using the docker method with success?

Excellent:) I knew because hapush should log all the dashboard it finds on startup and I didnā€™t see any ā€¦

Is anyone waking their dashboard automatically by any method? In other words, screen is allowed to sleep until an event happens (like motion sensor triggered) and then the screen wakes to hadashboard. Iā€™m currently using a motion detector and Project Rotini with openhab but have been exploring HA and hadashboard.

Would be for android fyi.


Sorry - iOS here ā€¦

Iā€™m using Fully Kiosk Browser (mentioned earlier in the thread by another member). It has built in motion detection and timeout settings.