Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

It’s fine just very very slow to refresh and I’d like a bigger screen as my eyes get fuzzier and fingers turn into thumbs.

Gen 1 (2012) doesn’t have normal wireless charging but does have pogo pins you can charge with using the official dock or a home made adapter. You can also make your own wireless charger adapter with a bit of work.

Gen 2 are a fair bit faster (2013) but I don’t have one, if you can get a 2013 model for a bit more than the 2012 it would be well worth it. The Gen 1 Nexus 7’s have a known fault with storage that makes them slow down significantly on any OS above KitKat after a few weeks of use. If you are still interested in a Gen 1 I can try and work out how to take a video of the refresh.

I’m having trouble with the running the dashboard command. I’m unable to figure out the path_to_hadashboard part. It’s in my home directory but can’t seem to get it to run

Thanks! I was really intent on getting a Gen 1 for this purpose, but Black Friday brought other things, new things with warranty and free shipping. :wink: So it seems I won’t be needing that video, but I really appreciate you sharing your experience! I’m still interested in a Nexus 7 (why can’t they just make a new one?), but I’ll go for a Gen 2 in that case (later, my dashboard tablet needs are satisfied as of right now).

after you have edited your config file you should go to the directory where you placed your files and type “dashing start”

They are making a new one, it was meant to be available in December but I think it has been delayed in manufacturing.

Amazon currently have the Fire 7" for $30 US if you want something now to play with? I’m tempted but want to go bigger.

My Nexus 7 was previously in a car which went to the scrap heap, I didn’t buy it specifically for this.

The link to instructions and configuration examples appears to be down - https://home-assistant.io/ecosystem/hadashboard - is there a backup link anywhere?

Hi there - it should be back soon, I just transferred the docs over and I am waiting for a PR to be approved before they become visible.

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Hey guys. I’ve installed Hadashboard in Docker on my Pi and I’ve mounted /home/pi/hadashboard as a network drive to edit the files on my Windows computer. This works for most things, but when I try do add custom widgets by adding the files to the folder they don’t show up in Docker when i run docker run -t -i hadashboard /bin/bash and cd to the widgets dir. When I install widgets in the console by doing dashing install xxxxxxx the files doesn’t show up on the network drive. What am I doing wrong?

What do you mean by adding custom widgets?

any word on when the install docs will be available again?

Maybe I’m wording it wrong, but I’m trying to install this one for example

OK, got you - I think you will have trouble making it work with Docker as the actual widgets directory is not expoosed outside the container if I recall.

hello. I was able to install and make work but ilost all the instruction. I think the install instruction, setup, etc was here but now its empty. Some one may please say where the instructions are?


Will be available soon as part of the ecosystem section of the website - just waiting for the pull request to go through.

Thanks :slight_smile:

OK, thanks!

I’m very new at all this, but this is the sort of project I’m hoping to be able to do. I know the install directions are down right now, and that’s okay, but does anyone have a video or something I can follow along with as far as setting up from start to finish? I tend to learn better when I can follow a video, verses following directions on a screen. If not, I will keep plotting along once I’m able to access the install files.

We don’t have a video I am afraid. @brusc has made some excellent videos on various HA subjects - maybe if you asked him nicely?

i was so happy.
i finally found the courage to install hass and appdaemon on my raspberry.
it took some time but i got it working.

i edited the hapush.cfg and it runs.
on my pc i called a dashboard and it didnt look right.

oke, i thought, no problem, i probably need to restart the dashboard.

and now i am sad again :cry:
dashboard wont start anymore. port is in use or requires root privileges?

i dont get it. i had hass 0.28 running all along.
all thats changed is that its now up to date and appdaemon is also there.

Any error messages in thin.log or on the command line?