Above you mentioned that you are running this in docker, however if you are starting dashing and hapush interactively like so many of your screenshots show then you aren’t running this with docker. I also know this because to start these using docker you would be using the docker command to start your container.
Since your not using docker, you need to configure hapush.cfg to properly point to your dashboards folder:
If you run interactive (which you are): dash_dir = "/hadashboard/dashboards"
Also use this to run hapush pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard/hapush $ ./hapush.py hapush.cfg
Great! I would do one of two things, utilize docker, or run these as services. My experience with running dashing and hapush interactively is that after a while they will crap out and have to be restarted.
dont know what you have running, but here they run daily interactively. and i only restart them once in a while when i have edited to much in my widgets
I ended up doing a fresh install and doing that worked for me - a bit of a faff but I backed up all my HA and OZW config files which made the process a bit quicker. It was worth it in the end!
Now I need to decide between a dedicated tablet or a RPi and Touchscreen…
I was able to get it to launch. I can bring up the webpage, but none of the components work. It seem as if hapush,py isn’t running properly, based on the errors that I posted previously.
@indy which repo? I had it working but now flat out no go no logs at all.
@johngc on your search for a cheap Android tablet not all work with the Camera Motion Detection. I bought some $30-$40 tablets and they were no good bad displays(working just Ugly) I bought the little more expensive ones like the $70 and they were fine.
I think from now on I will buy the Samsung Tabs they are lot more but they look good and work good.
Is the Nexus 7 not up for “the job” as dashboard? I’m looking at getting a gen 1 just to have wall mounted (because decent screen, wireless charging, good price point), but is that a bad idea?
raspi noobs hass aio, dashing up and running using manual install, talking to home assistant ok.
I bungled the first attempt at bundle, had to install a few bits as referenced above. Got everything up and running, but now hapush won’t launch.
i ran sudo pip install daemonize, which installed, but still get the following:
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard/hapush $ ./hapush.py hapush.cfg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./hapush.py”, line 12, in
from daemonize import Daemonize
ImportError: No module named ‘daemonize’