Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

It says so but this is what I get when upgrading:

pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $ sudo apt-get install ruby
Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen… Klaar
Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd
De statusinformatie wordt gelezen… Klaar
ruby is reeds de nieuwste versie.
0 opgewaardeerd, 0 nieuw geïnstalleerd, 0 te verwijderen en 1 niet opgewaardeerd.
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $

Or is there an other ‘ruby’ to be installed?
I also did:

pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $ sudo apt-get install ruby-dev
Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen… Klaar
Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd
De statusinformatie wordt gelezen… Klaar
ruby-dev is reeds de nieuwste versie.
0 opgewaardeerd, 0 nieuw geïnstalleerd, 0 te verwijderen en 1 niet opgewaardeerd.
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $ sudo apt-get install rubygems
Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen… Klaar
Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd
De statusinformatie wordt gelezen… Klaar
rubygems is reeds de nieuwste versie.
0 opgewaardeerd, 0 nieuw geïnstalleerd, 0 te verwijderen en 1 niet opgewaardeerd.
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $

Thx! any way :slight_smile:

when i installed ruby i searched for how and came upon this page:


then i used this part:

Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu use the apt package manager. You can use it like this:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
As of writing, the ruby-full package provides Ruby 1.9.3, which is an old stable release, on Debian and Ubuntu.

it installs 1.9.3 from ruby and i had no problem with that.
so i see 2 ways

  1. upgrade ruby to al least 1.9.3 (dont ask me how, because i would have to google for that to)
  2. deinstall your ruby and use that command to reinstall ruby.

Thx, I’ll give this a try

I have a question. Still pretty new to this but I’m excited about what I’ve done so far.

My question is this. I have an ecobee smart si thermostat that is added to Home Assistant. I’ve no idea how to go about adding anything that might be helpful to that on the hadashboard. I’m envisioning some sliders or something to set the temp, as well as use the sensor in the Thermostat to show what the current temperature in the house is. This is what it looks like on HA:

Any help would be appreciated.


I still got trouble to get Bundle start. Ik deinstalled all Ruby components en reinstalled it.

pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $ bundle
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/
Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/
Fetching dependency metadata from https://rubygems.org/
Resolving dependencies…
Rubygems 1.8.24 is not threadsafe, so your gems will be installed one at a time. Upgrade to Rubygems 2.1.0 or higher to enable parallel gem installation.
Installing addressable 2.3.8
Using backports 3.6.8

Using sprockets 2.10.2
Using thin 1.6.4
Installing rest-client 1.6.9
Gem::InstallError: mini_portile2 requires Ruby version >= 1.9.2.
An error occurred while installing mini_portile2 (2.1.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that gem install mini_portile2 -v '2.1.0' succeeds before bundling.
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $

It looks like ‘Gem’ is not up to date. so I thought to upgrade it via:

pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $ sudo gem update --system
ERROR: gem update --system is disabled on Debian, because it will overwrite the content of the rubygems Debian package, and might break your Debian system in subtle ways. The Debian-supported way to update rubygems is through apt-get, using Debian official repositories.
If you really know what you are doing, you can still update rubygems by setting the REALLY_GEM_UPDATE_SYSTEM environment variable, but please remember that this is completely unsupported by Debian.
pi@raspberrypi:~/hadashboard $

did anybody faces this same issue?

you can make sliders in HA so set the temperature from your thermostat in ha with automations, but sliders are not yet included in the dashboard.

the temperature sensors can easily be added to your dashboard.
just put a new line in your dashboard file with the type hasensor and the entityid from your temperature sensor.
i think you are right that it is gem should be updated.
i really have to little experience with those things to give you real advice.
but i just googled and found this:

which lets me think you didnt use
sudo apt-get update before installing some part.

so i would try

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

and then try again.

hello… I finally was able to make dashboard and hapush to work :slight_smile: I am no good on the script sides. I don’t find instruction on how to activate the scripts that are on dashboard/init to make dashboard and hapush to start went start the raspberry. Some one can please point me to an instruction or help me please? Thanks :slight_smile:

If you are using the AIO installer you need to edit and copy two files from the init directory probably located at /home/pi/hadashboard/init/ to /etc/init.d/

The two files are ‘dashing’ and ‘hapush’ if you open them up in an editor the instructions are in the comments. In my case the bits I had to change became…



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I have all in one and i tried it but it doesn’t start automatically. Any idea, In init.d/dashing i changed the path -

and in HAPUSH i changed -

I can manually start both.

1 Like

You need to copy those files to the /etc/init.d/ directory so that the pi will know to run those on boot.

In the first few lines of those files are instructions in the comments, this bit from dashing…

# Dashing service
# Add this file to /etc/init.d/
# $ sudo cp dashboard /etc/init.d/
# Update variables DASHING_DIR, GEM_HOME, & PATH to suit your installation
# $ sudo nano /etc/init.d/dashboard
# Make executable
# $ sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dashboard
# Update rc.d
# $ sudo update-rc.d dashboard defaults
# Dashboard will start at boot. Check out the boot log for trouble shooting "/var/log/boot.log"
# USAGE: start|stop|status|logs

I to am strugling with this autostart.
So have a couple of questions myself:
I manually copy the 2 files to the etc/init.d directory and the run the sudo commands listet in the 2 files, or should i just follow the commands and then the files gets copied?

Shall i write anything in the dashboard file? Can see i need to nano it? but its a new file and nothing is in it.

Got it working… thanks

Sorry for spamming this thread, but i really need some help with this autostart.
i have copied Dashing and Hapush files to /etc/init.d directory and updated the DASHING_DIR and HAPUSH_DIR to the correct ones (or atleast i think)
But what more do i need to do?

From my files, just the lines I had to change…





After you change these files, save and copy to /etc/init.d you need to make them executable. I think maybe there is an error in the instructions but can’t remember what I typed for this next bit.

From putty if that is what you use you type.

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dashing

and do the same for hapush

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/hapush


sudo update-rc.d dashboard defaults

If not you may have to hope @vageesh79 can tell you what he did yesterday.

I have configured the HA-Dashboard perfectly and I only had to do a complete reinstall of everything to get it working… Yay!!! :smiley:

Unfortunately I have an issue with hapush when i start ./hapush.py hapush.cfg it runs without error, however when i make changes to the HASS Web UI lighting I get the following error in the hapush command line, has anyone got any suggestions?

2016-12-11 23:18:16,382 INFO Reading dashboard: /home/pi/hadashboard/dashboards/main.erb
2016-12-11 23:18:26,105 INFO switch.living_room -> state = off, brightness = 30
2016-12-11 23:18:26,122 WARNING Unexpected error calling Dashing: HTTPConnectionPool(host='http', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: // (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7623b690>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))

ha_url = “
ha_key = API-Key-Here
dash_host = “
dash_dir = “/home/pi/hadashboard/dashboards”
logfile = “/etc/hapush/hapush.log”

$ha_url = “
$ha_apikey = “API-Key-Here”

$news_feeds = {
“Traffic” => “Trafikredaktionen”,
“News” => “<![CDATA[BBC News]]>”,

When I send commands from HADashboard they are reflected on the HASS Web UI, so the problem is with data coming into the HADashboard, but i have no idea what is causing it :angry:

in your conf. rb you have set the url from your dashboard at the place where you should set the url from hass :wink:


Thanks a lot… It was typo copying the config I have amended the post it’s now correct and the problem persists :frowning:

My weather tab is not getting updated. I am using darksky and i can see the entites in HA but not in dashboard. The config i am using for both is -
HA config –

  • platform: darksky
    api_key: xxxx
    • temperature
    • hourly_summary
    • humidity
    • wind_bearing
    • pressure
      Dashboard config –
      li data-row=“1” data-col=“3” data-sizex=“2” data-sizey=“2”>
      div data-id=“weather” data-view=“Haweather” data-unit=“°C” data-color="#FF0000"></div

I have to remove <> from the dashboard config to display here but its ther ein config.
Do we have to change anything else also for to get the tab updated.

@noodlemctwoodle it seems like you have trouble with 1 widget.
try removing the widget livingroom and see if the problem stays.
if thats not enough try removing the one before or after it in your main.erb.

@vageesh79 what entity_id can you see in ha?