Folks, I have a urotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat and it is showing values, but I struggle with how I can tell him/her that he/she … it should cool down or heat up.
What I do see here in the ‘States’ are
climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_comfort_setpoint_5_1 Heat operation_list: Heat,Heat Econ,Off
min_temp: 7
unit_of_measurement: °C
temperature: 22
operation_mode: Heat
current_temperature: 23
friendly_name: Office Thermostat comfort_setpoint
max_temp: 35
climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_energy_saving_setpoint_5_11 Heat operation_list: Heat,Heat Econ,Off
min_temp: 7
unit_of_measurement: °C
temperature: 22
operation_mode: Heat
current_temperature: 23
friendly_name: Office Thermostat energy_saving_setpoint
max_temp: 35
climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_furnace_5_7 Heat operation_list: Heat,Heat Econ,Off
min_temp: 7
unit_of_measurement: °C
temperature: 22
operation_mode: Heat
current_temperature: 23
friendly_name: Office Thermostat control_furnace
max_temp: 35
…but I can not motivate any guy to move from Heat to Off or change the current_temperatur. Any tip is helpful