Wallbe Modbus

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his pants.

The bartender says, “Hey, you’ve got a steering wheel on your pants.”
The pirate says, “Arrrr, I know. It’s driving me nuts.”

So does the Modbus readout. I think I am doing it right, but the register is empty? I have a E3DC branded Wallbox, really a Wallbe. The Webinterface of the wallbox shows:

I am looking at Active Power (W), Modbus Address 140. I have this configuration:

  - name: wallbe
    type: tcp
    host: wallbox.eulie.de
    port: 502
      - name: Wallbox Watts
        address: 140
        data_type: float32
        unit_of_measurement: W
        device_class: power

But the readout is zero. I can see traffic to the wallbox and tcpdump shows it answers, modbus register is empty tho. If I switch 140 to a random 320 the value changes to a constant 255. Which is something. I am whacking at this for days now. It’s either super complicated and my approach is too small or this is reaily solved.

Ideas? :slight_smile:

  count: 2

and try register 139 or 141

Hi Christian,

do you have a running configuration? I have same problem but I can’t get the infos from energy meter with my modbus config.

Thank you and best regards


this comes somewhat late, but I ran into exactly the same problem recently.

Taking Active Power as an example, the Register 140 is the Modbus Address that the controller uses on the wallbox internal Modbus to talk to the energy meter. You can’t read it directly. The values are mapped in the controller to external Modbus addresses that you can talk to.

Take a look at the controller handbook (just Google EV-CC-AC1-M3-CBC-RCM-ETH).

In your case the value in the internal Modbus Register 140 is mapped to the external Modbus Register 120.
