Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

Hallo ab wann ist in der integration der schalter zum paussieren aktiv, der schalter von der integration unter costum components funktioniert auch nicht mehr


Do you mind sharing the Node-Red flow you are using?

Would be nice if the integration would take the max charging current from the API and set that as slider.
I’m currently using a input_number entity in Home-Assistant coupled to a config flow to make sure the slider has a limit of (in my case) the maximum of 16A. Makes it easier to make use of the slider (lowest slider in the screenshot has a range of 6-16A instead of 6-100A for the default slider)

Config flow in Node-Red:

[{"id":"e7ec0d12ca554d96","type":"tab","label":"Wallbox Pulsar Plus","disabled":false,"info":"","env":[]},
"x":370,"y":180,"wires":[["dcdccdb09a5db090","ea0647aae8317007"]]},{"id":"dcdccdb09a5db090","type":"api-call-service","z":"e7ec0d12ca554d96","name":"","server":"069a3665316ebb18","version":5,"debugenabled":false,"domain":"number","service":"set_value","areaId":[],"deviceId":[],"entityId":["number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current"],"data":"{\"value\":msg.payload}","dataType":"jsonata","mergeContext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[{"property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","value":"","valueType":"num"}],"queue":"none","x":770,"y":180,"wires":[["ea0647aae8317007"]]},{"id":"ea0647aae8317007","type":"debug","z":"e7ec0d12ca554d96","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":990,"y":80,"wires":[]},{"id":"069a3665316ebb18","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","version":2,"addon":true,"rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true,"ha_boolean":"y|yes|true|on|home|open","connectionDelay":true,"cacheJson":true,"heartbeat":false,"heartbeatInterval":"30"}]
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Just ordered an electric car that will be delivered in a month or so.

I have a solar cell system that has a battery, and solar cells, the inverter can deliver max 3600 watt.

I have a few sensors inside Home Assistant from the solar panel integration already.

Solar production in watt (How much does the solar cells output right now)
Current usage. (How much power is currently being used by “other things”)

What i would want is for the charger to dynamically adjust the charge output, so that it charges with a wattage that is (Current production minus current use by other)

If the consumption in the house is 800 watt, and the solar panels produce 3200 watt, it should adjust to a charge wattage of 2400 watt.

Is it possible to make this integration work, so that the wattage output from the charger is this number and adjusted “on the fly” (Case : Wife turns on washing machine, wattage used by house rises to 2500 watts, so charge current is reduced to 700 watts, and restored when the load goes down).

This way i am putting in MAX wattage, all the time. The integration has a 5 minute refreshtime, but i am okay with that.

I read a LOT of the posts here, but i saw nothing about this. I saw someone say that you could buy a meter, but the smart meter in the Growatt solar panel integration already works like that.

And yes
I would need some sort of override function, because otherwise i would not be able to charge in winter :slight_smile:

All, just a quick update on the ‘out-of-the-box’ version, I just created a PR for adding the lock function. I hope to get that merged, afterwards I will look into adding the pause function. I also plan on creating a new custom version, basically the ‘ootb code’ + lock + pause. This will mean a breaking change for the custom version, so be aware.

Concerning the pause function, my charger has basically 3 different statusses; Charging, Ready and Connected: waiting for car demand. Do you see other messages, I think I need this to make the pausing/resuming work.

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I have a Power Boost / Current limiter and except the states you have I can also find: “Connected: in queue by Power Boost”.

Edit: Just found this on their homepage: " The charger’s LED will turn to light blue and the message “CONNECTED. WAITING FOR GREEN ENERGY” will display in myWallbox app and portal."
So I guess their is a state for that as well

All, please note that the wallbox API has changed overnight. The status description has been removed (upstream, by Wallbox) and replaced by ID’s. We will need to map these ID’s to get the pause function working again. I think I found the statusses in the wallbox portal sourcecode. I think that 2 groups of ID’s are useful to us:

{ code: 'paused', label: 'mywb.charger.status.paused', description: 'mywb.charger.status.paused.description', ids: [178, 182], remote: true, filter: true, dataTestId: 'pausedFilterTag' }

and charging:

{ code: 'charging', label: 'mywb.charger.status.charging', description: 'mywb.charger.status.charging.description', ids: [193, 194, 195], remote: true, filter: true, dataTestId: 'chargingFilterTag' }

Do you agree? I personally don’t use the pause function, so your functional input is appreciated.

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I’m still seeing the problem with the charging power reporting as zero frequently and for long periods during a perfectly good charge (see trace below). The Wallbox app also reports zero for the power at those times. I had a long and utterly useless exchange with Wallbox service about this yesterday.

Am I the only one still seeing this? Must I look at my installation? Or is it a general issue with the Wallbox API?

The sensor.wallbox_portal_status_description was unavailable for ~2 days. I tried to remove and re-add the integration via HASS “add integration”, and it wasn’t re-added, the other sensors look to be working well. Did it happen with anyone else? If so, I guess Wallbox changed something that broke this sensor.

I have the same issue

Here the same issue. Status_description_unavailable

I have the same

Hi, as I mentioned above, the status description has indeed been removed from the wallbox API. I will remove it from the sensor lists in an upcoming version. Also, I will have to rebase the pause function as it uses status description as well.

Thanks for sharing the information and work made.

I too overnight got Status_description_unavailable:-(

I used it a lot as I have a tablet showing general information for the house and also the charger status. Scheduled, idle, charging, waiting for car, offline etc. I had it animated with colors semilar to the LED’s on the charger itself.
This was very nice to have on the tablet.
I hope this information will be posible to get again?

If not we should maybe kindly ask Wallbox to add it again?

Completely agree, I sent an email to Wallbox ([email protected]) asking to please consider re-adding this information.

Hi Wallbox,

I would like to gently ask you to please consider re-adding the "Status description" in the API.

When I was checking which charger to buy, what made me choose Wallbox was the great work done by Hessel to integrate it into Home Assistant (https://github.com/hesselonline/wallbox), but since a few days ago, something has changed in the API and the "Status description" isn't available anymore.
I reported it in the community via:https://community.home-assistant.io/t/wallbox-pulsar-plus-integration/200339/189

but Hessel confirmed it was indeed removed from the API.

This change broke some important automations I have to charge my car and we can see in the forum that other people also used this information, so please consider re-adding the "Status description", and please support as much as possible the development of this integration as it has a direct impact on customers.

Thank you.

Dont expect them to give you an answer.

I have emailed them with a fairly simple question regarding their charger, and they have proceeded to just say “Not our department, try XXX” and when i try XXX, they say “Not our deparment try YYY” and so on.

I now have one single sensor that holds the number for “watts” i would like for the charger to charge the car with, but i am unable to get a clear answer on, whether or not, they have some integration that supports this.

Fabricio, what are you trying to achieve exactly? I’ve managed to get some control by means of this integration along with OCPP, maybe I can help you, or somebody else here can.

Just installed my Wallbox pulsar plus and have the same issue. I don’t think this is an issue of the integration because in the Wallbox app on my iPhone it’s 0.00 kw too

Indeed exactly what I see. My extensive communication with Wallbox support was useless, they blame it on my WiFi connection. My only hope now is that it will be resolved by accident in a Wallbox s/w update. Annoying, but not critical.

I totally gave up on wallbox.

Send them a simple question about their product, and got no reply. When i enquired about a possible reply, i was told to write to another department and given an e-mail
When i wrote that mail address i again got no reply.

A product with that bad support os not a product i would want to buy.

I ended giving up on getting something that would do what i wanted it to, and instead bought the cheapest Chinese wall charger that is adjustable in wattage.

It cost half of the Wallbox, so even if i sometimes has to buy a little power from the grid, because it can not adjust itself, i am still up a considerable amount of money.

Maybe in a few years, the charger i want will be available and i will change at that time.

Hi guys. I was following this topic aware of that problem because I was planning to buy wall box.

After your frustrations, I decided to buy openevse which claims to do the same as wallbox by half the price and is open sourced.

I’ve got mine coming in a week or so. I’ll let you know.

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