Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

No doubt you checked but just in case, is the user you use for the wallbox integration in ha an admin user?

Yes, only the one user - HA describes this user as owner - which I guess = admin…

OK, it’s good to know you’ve successfully used HACS for another integration. Did this other integration include a ‘Config Flow’ for its setup parameters?

No, I am not familiar with config flow… From memory in HACS, custom repositories, add the WallBox github link, restart, then go to integrations, SHIFT-Ctrl-R, then + add integration, search for WallBox and add. Does that sound right?

Yes, I think so, I would need to know the exact status description on which you want the button to be available. Please first test that this indeed works when using the wallbox app (to prevent enabling a flow that won’t work in practice)

Please only use the official integration from this moment forwards, it should offer a similar amount of capabilities. The ‘custom’ version is no longer being maintained.

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I see that there are multiple questions, and a lot of discussion above. Please note the following:

  1. I no longer maintain the custom version, will lock the repo in the future. It will stop working as Wallbox has changed part of there API (which I fixed in the official integration).
  2. Pause / Resume button is only available on specific statusses of the charger, if it says ‘ready’ it means that no car is connected → no reason to pause → button is unavailable. You can pause during charging and resume when not charging cut car is connected / waiting. If this hinders your workflow (you need to be able to pause/resume during another status, please raise an issue (Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub) with a clear explanation, status etc., and I will see what I can do ;-))
  3. In general, if you have issues, or want changes, please raise an issue on the hass github for the wallbox integration (Issues ¡ home-assistant/core ¡ GitHub). This allows me to refer to your issue when trying to get a fix merged.

HI @RT1080
The Product Owner of Ecosmart feature told me that it is not possible to resume charging session through the MyWallbox portal when Ecosmart is enabled. This looks to contradict what Hessel is saying here, stating that it is possible except when “ready status”.

Please, any particular request to a specific function, the best way to proceed would to clearly define the case with the following:

  1. Which is the pain or unsatisfied job that the system doesn’t allow you to do (mandatory)
  2. How many users have been impacting and how (mandatory)
  3. Which solution could be considered (optional)

Any other request that doesn’t follow this structure and specially that doesn’t help me understand how many users are being impacted (point 2), from now on, I may not answer them, to ensure I can prioritise other more urgent-impactful stuff.

@hesselonline thanks for facilitating and for all your contributions :slight_smile:


What I meant was that you can only use the ‘pause/resume’ button in hass when charger has a specific status (car is connected / charging). My goal here is to create a button which works consistently, and is unavailable when I expect that it would not work.

So, button is only available when charging (you can pause) or when connected but not charging (you can resume). If you have another case / workflow which does work in the app, but not in hass → let me know. Please, test it first in the app → adding changes to the hass code takes time, I don’t want add something only to be forced to remove it later :wink:

Thanks Hessel. I checked, it does not work. Tried both by adjusting your code and triggering the switch and connecting through the wallbox portal.

It seems that the API does not support a forced charge (ignoring eco Smart); in the android app it does work (at least with Bluetooth activated).

With this it seems to be software/API limitations, the hardware supports it.

Also turning on/off the eco smart setting is only possible with Bluetooth connected

From what has been posted above, it’s clear that I will soon have to upgrade to the latest HA and start using the ‘Official’ integration. So it will be goodbye to HACS. Can’t say I’ll miss it really.

There’s probably no point in discussing the unofficial version any further now we know it will soon stop working. I saw your post on Github and hope you can get it resolved there.

Hi Grant - thanks for your help… and @hesselonline sees the same issues as me when he tries controlling my WallBox (here in NZ) from his HA in the Netherlands :slight_smile: which is a great start to finding the problem :slight_smile:

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Yes, debugged the issue with @andypnz, his charger is brandnew and unused, it thus reports Added Range as None. The integration tries to round this value to 0 decimals → you cannot round a None value. I will try to fix this bug, but also, it will probably work when @andypnz starts using the charger.


Hi Oriol,

Thanks for your message.

Re 1:
I want to be able to automatically charge the car on solar energy/eco mode but, in absence of solar retain the option to schedule a regular charge (during off peak hours).

on the website of wallbox it mentions that a scheduled charge overrides the eco smart setting. This however does not work, any scheduled charge at night is halted “awaiting green energy”. Manually turning eco mode on and off defies the purpose [and as off peak hours are typically at midnight is not practical]. In the future off peak will/may become dynamic depending on whole sale energy prices; that further creates a need to support dynamic/programmed charging through the API connection.

Re 2:
Difficult for me to assess how many users are impacted but a lot of key functionality seems to be only available through Bluetooth. This includes scheduling, turning on/off eco smart and force starting/override a charge session. Opening up all these items in the API/cloud for sure improves the user experience

Re 3:
I see 3 options:

  1. Implement as advertised, EG. Make sure a scheduled charge indeed overrides ecosmart

  2. Allow the user to remotely turn off eco smart

  3. Allow the user to remotely force start a charge

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This is about Eco-Smart? Quick experience from my side (please note, have a Copper SB → not sure if Eco-Smart is officially supported):

  1. It doesn’t seem to really do anything, I had it on Eco mode and it just started charging on full power. I know I don’t have sufficient PV panels for that.
  2. It would be helpful if the app provided more visual feedback (detected solar power or 2kw solar available) → currently it doesn’t work and I don’t know why (maybe my powerboost is faulty, no clue…)

Here is my integration shown while charging. Peak tariff is between 3pm and 9pm in Melbourne Australia.

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Awesome news @andypnz :+1:

That explains why you’ve had so many problems it seems nobody else had reported. I have to say this is a pretty unusual circumstance as most Wallbox customers would use their charger with the included app first, before trying 3rd party software like this. I see it as a badge of honour - you’re definitely in the hard-core tinkerers league :wink:

Great to have you onboard with HA and using this integration. I’m sure you’ll find many kindred spirits here. Together with me and yourself, I know of another NZ’er using HA to control his EV charger and I expect there are several more. As you mentioned, there isn’t a lot of sun around at the moment, but I managed to grab about 9kWh on a sunny day earlier this week. Otherwise, I’ve had to resort to a controlled circuit from the grid @ 25c per kWh. It’s about as cheap as we can get in Northland. Which part of the country do you live in?

Now your issue has been explained, I’m a lot less hesitant to upgrade to the latest versions of all packages involved. More brilliant work from @hesselonline finding the bug from halfway around the world :100:

As such eco-Smart works fine. It nicely controls the grid current to about zero and so using available solar only. But since it cannot be conveniently enabled and disabled I do not use it.

@GrantK I am in Christchurch. EV due next week. Just starting to play with Node-red v’s inbuilt HA automation for EV charger control for eco (solar only) charging…

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Hi @RT1080,

i) If schedules doesn’t override ecosmart, that would be a bug. I will open a bug in our service desk to keep investigating that. Can you give us your Wallbox Serial Number so that we can look into your charger? and email (optional, if you want to be informed)?
ii) There are at least 3 users who I noticed that want to combine ecosmart with schedules in a smarter way (not just one overriding the other). Insight noted and transferred to the Product Owner. Thanks for sharing.
Yes many things that could be improved. I was thinking on this upvoty or this trello to start tracking all of this request from your side. Not sure if github allows to do a proper management of this requests.

Re3: clear. Noted. Thanks for sharing.

FYI @hesselonline - Ecosmart should be available with copper SB too as stated here . Please, if convenient, report any issue here