Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

I have the ‘green’ mode working properly as well now. Connected a car last night, charging started this morning as soon as there was 1.5 kW excess for 5 min and the charge power increased nicely with increased solar power. Then I realized we need the car fully charge by noon and hit the ‘max’ button.

Surely there is always some finetuning to do, but here is the full implementation:

The automation controlling the charger current limit for the ‘green’ and ‘eco’ modes has a small update to only activate when the status is ‘Charging’, this prevents the current limit from creeping to 32A before charging even started.

- id: '1654960233260'
  alias: WALLBOX - Charger current controller
  description: Controls the Wallbox charger max current setting up and down (between
    6 and 32 A), maintaining the grid power around zero, to use excess solar power
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: /12
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.charger_max
    state: 'off'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.wallbox_portal_status_description
    state: Charging
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.actual_power
        below: '-250'
      - service: number.set_value
          value: '{{ [((states(''number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current'') | float(0)
            + 1.0) | round(0)), 32] | min }}'
          entity_id: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
    - conditions:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.actual_power
        above: '250'
      - service: number.set_value
          value: '{{ [((states(''number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current'') | float(0)
            - 1.0) | round(0)), 6] | max }}'
          entity_id: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
  mode: single

To create the charge mode selection buttons on the HA dashboard I added the following to the configuration file:


    # Wallbox
        name: "Wallbox green mode"

        name: "Wallbox eco mode"
        name: "Wallbox max mode"

Each of these have a script associated to run the actions required to change charge mode:

# Charger control scripts

    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_green
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_eco
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_max
    - service: number.set_value
        value: "6"
        entity_id: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_green
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_eco
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_max

    - service: number.set_value
        value: "6"
        entity_id: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_green
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_eco
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.charger_max
    - service: number.set_value
        value: "32"
        entity_id: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current

And there are two additional automations to pause and resume the charger in ‘green’ mode:

- id: '1654977801663'
  alias: WALLBOX - Charger pause controller - Resume
  description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.actual_power
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
    below: '-1500'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.charger_green
    state: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.wallbox_portal_status_description
    state: Paused
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.wallbox_portal_pause_resume
  mode: single
- id: '1654978038793'
  alias: WALLBOX - Charger pause controller - Pause
  description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.actual_power
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
    above: '250'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.charger_green
    state: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.wallbox_portal_status_description
    state: Charging
  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.wallbox_portal_pause_resume
  mode: single

And finally, to put it all together, this is what is in my dashboard:

type: vertical-stack
  - show_name: true
    show_icon: false
    type: button
      action: toggle
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: script.charger_green
          data: {}
          target: {}
        entity: input_boolean.charger_green
        name: Green
        icon: mdi:leaf
        icon_height: 80px
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: script.charger_eco
          data: {}
          target: {}
        entity: input_boolean.charger_eco
        name: Eco
        icon: mdi:weather-sunny
        icon_height: 80px
        show_state: false
      - show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: script.charger_max
          data: {}
          target: {}
        entity: input_boolean.charger_max
        name: Max
        icon: mdi:flash
        icon_height: 80px
  - type: entities
      - entity: number.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
        name: Current limit
      - entity: switch.wallbox_portal_pause_resume
        name: Enabled
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.wallbox_portal_max_charging_current
        name: Charger Current Limit
    hours_to_show: 24
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.actual_power
        name: Mains Power
    hours_to_show: 24
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: switch.wallbox_portal_pause_resume
        name: Enabled

Which will give you something like this:


The automations can be realized/edited from the HA user interface. You can copy the code above into the automations.yaml file and then edit in the HA user interface.

Surely there is a way to simplify this. Let me know.

To be clear, this setup does NOT make use of the Wallbox eco-Smart functions because these cannot be managed through the API, or even the Wallbox app on WiFi. This setup creates similar functionality and is accessible from the HA dashboard using the official HA Wallbox integration (another shoutout @hesselonline for making this possible).

Copy with pride. Give me your opinion.


Hi @RT1080
This is a very interesting request, thanks for sharing.
I already noted this insight/feedback in my repository of insights and also shared this to the affected Product Owner of Ecosmart function.

Interesting intermediate solution reported here with 4 pole 63A change over switch. I am listening @andypnz . Not sure for how long, but till now, you are debating really interesting “jobs to be done

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This single phase / three phase switching is indeed mighty interesting.

The Wallbox has a relay on each phase and on neutral (also the single phase units at least in the Belgium market), so it should be able to do this without additional hardware. At least using a three phase unit on a single phase. Not sure about using a single phase unit on three phase. The four relays are there, but I believe the type 2 cable on the single phase units is, guess what, single phase.

In principle you could also use 2 phases and switch from 1 to 2 to 3 phases. A three phase supply without neutral (yeah that still exists) is to be connected as 2 phases and one neutral.

I’m curious what local regulations have to say about this, and if all cars will be ok with the number of phases switching like that. But, he, why not?

I would not switch the number of phases with the car plugged in. And I would only supply a 3 phase capable car with either 1 or 3 phases - and if 1 phase, always on the L1 output…

WallBox confirmed a 1 or 3 phase selection switch was no problem :slight_smile: Of course, you need a 3 phase Type 2 lead + a 3 phase capable car to think about 3 phase charging :slight_smile: Not to mention a 3 phase supply… About to add 3 phase Eco ( >1.4kW on all 3 phases) and 3 phase semi-Eco (>1.4kw on 2 phases, and >1kw on the 3rd) to my code.

I almost have my Node-Red automation complete. And a new mode added - “Eco/Night” - this was an interesting idea I had today - I have a switch to select this mode on the dashboard (the other mode selections are on a ESP8266 with LED feedback - I might add another switch + LED here…). When active, it will eco charge using solar. Of course, as the sun sets the charge will pause. But in this mode, after night rate (cheaper electricity) starts (here @ 9pm) the charger will start again at max charge rate. So Eco, with a guaranteed fully charged car in the morning… cheap as chips :slight_smile: @ Oriol_FP Another nice mode for the WallBox OEM Eco smart :slight_smile:


@andypnz - Andrew, I have a question for you…

When charging at night, how do you avoid your batteries being discharged by the Pulsar Plus?

I presume your solar power system normally compensates for power used on each phase according to the house loads on that phase, thus avoiding using power from the grid. But if you have cheap night rates from 9pm, presumably you want power used during this time to come from the grid, rather than your batteries. Curious as to how you manage this.

We don’t have a battery - for us, the economics just did not stack up - unlikely to save what the battery cost before the battery is end of life… But I would be surprised if a ‘smart’ battery system did not let you decide when the battery will provide / supplement power v’s power from the grid. Those with high tech battery systems will have the answers here I am sure.

Yes, I have the ability to program a schedule, specifying whether the battery charges or discharges, the rate in Watts at which charging/discharging occurs, etc. Can also schedule import or export, along with the rate in Watts. So the tools are there, but I can’t access them from HA. I was just curious to know what you might have come up with.

For us, having a hybrid inverter with battery backup, is more about security of supply, than financial return. We are only able to export at 3.5kW max due to transformer constraints imposed by Northpower. So that severely limits how much we can earn in solar credits, hence it makes sense to store and use as much of our own power as possible. The cheapest rate we can buy power overnight is 25c per kWh, which I suspect is a lot more than you’re paying.


With the intermittent Charging Power issue apparently Wallbox say there is no issue so it will never be fixed.
Email from Wallbox Support just received about my complaint.

Good Morning,

We checked internally the charge and it looks like it’s acting normally.
The charging process is intermittent because most of the car decrease the charging power as soon as the car is getting charged and the battery is getting full.

Please let me know if you think something is wrong!



Wallbox Service Team

That is a pathetic answer. Hopefully your contact is only oblivious of what is going on, else it is shameful. I would say we keep pushing. Just show the delivered power and added energy tracking together and it is clear that there is a problem.

Note that the API is not official, so Wallbox can decide to support or not. But their own app has the same problem, no escape there.

They know there is a problem. I had the control board replaced in my original Pulsar Plus, then a new unit replacement and then they gave me a Commander 2 to replace the Pulsar Plus which stopped the lost connection with WiFi as it’s connected with Ethernet. The Charging Power is still intermittent in the app and with HA via internet, works with Bluetooth in the app though!

I will check this next Thursday personally @Deedzy with collaboration of our Customer Service department. Sorry for the inconvenience.

@VdR regarding this “Note that the API is not official, so Wallbox can decide to support or not.”. The current status is that we are NOT supporting this even though I try to please HA community because I believe in this open source project and I think Wallbox could create synergies with it that would be beneficial for everyone. In any case, please, be very mindful at the moment to consider which issues are due to our Wallbox systems and which HA systems (I am sure you do, but let me reinforce this). Again will check this next week.
I hope you all have a nice weekend :slight_smile:


Here’s my latest Pulsar Plus dashboard, with a couple of functions still to be improved, but all the important ones are working now. I want to improve the presentation with some enhanced widgets, dials, buttons etc to make it look less boring than the standard ones provided by Node-RED. But the important thing is that all the functions work now, giving me the best charging experience I’ve had so far.

In particular I want to thank @VdR for his Charge Current Adjustment algorithm, @andypnz and @Oriol_FP for their ideas and suggestions, which have helped me greatly along the way, so I’d like to return the favour to others who are looking to automate their EV charging from solar power.

The two gauges on the right for Pause and Resume timers aren’t really necessary, but they have helped me greatly with debugging and it’s fun to watch them spinning around. My Pause time is 30 seconds of insufficient solar surplus and my Resume time is 120 seconds of adequate solar surplus, exactly the same as Wallbox use for their Eco-Smart function. It’s very cloudy today, so I have adjusted the solar threshold accordingly. As you can see, I’m only getting about 50 Watts left over after the house loads take priority.

At the very top right, is a Target kWh control, which Wallbox don’t offer in their app. I find it handy, so I can stop charging when the EV reaches about 80%. Then I have a simple start/stop timer and a control called Solar-only Mode which is the same as Wallbox’s Eco-Smart Full Green Mode.

Everything else is pretty obvious, but feel free to ask any questions you may have.


Looks great!. I like how you visualized the timers.

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Software update for the Wallbox yesterday (5.11.13). Has the charge power reporting been fixed? No car to charge for testing now.

No, still not solved :rage:
Come on Wallbox, how hard can it be?

Could not find updated release notes eiter

Boomer. But not surprised.

But happy that charging itself is rock solid. Never let me down.

@RienduPre - I haven’t found any new release notes either. My charger is still running v5.7.18 and says it’s up to date. Maybe they’re rolling out the update at different times in different countries?

Bummer that the charging power bug still isn’t fixed :angry:

@VdR - One benefit of my new dashboard is the charging rate changes quite often with passing clouds, variable household loads etc so the charging power reads non-zero for much of the time. Notice I didn’t say it reads correctly but that’s another story :confounded:

If this bug remains unfixed for much longer I’ll spend some more money with Shelly and replace the Wallbox sensor altogether.

Starting another topic here - Bluetooth connection seems to no longer work with cloud connection enabled.

Our internet connection failed recently, which doesn’t happen often. I was charging at the time and wanted to check the current setting of the Pulsar Plus. So I enabled Bluetooth and tried to connect this way for the first time in several months. I couldn’t get Bluetooth to work at all, which is a concern because it’s supposed to be available as a backup.

Has anyone else found that Bluetooth no longer works?

Bluetooth worked for me yesterday just before and after the update.

The update failed over WiFi, walked to the charger to be in BT range, restarted the app and updated over the BT connection.

The app always tries to connect over BT first, takes a while before it connects over WiFi. Can you disable/enable BT for the app?

About the update. I just saw that I can now set ‘Halo Light Standby’ under advanced options. I think that is new with this update?

When enabled the light switches off after interacting with the charger. I know some people have complained about this Halo light always being on and attracting (unwanted) attention. I don’t care, my charger is in the garage.