Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

Great to see it is also possible to control the Wallbox using bluetooth connectivity.

Is it possible to restart the Wallbox using this integration over bluetooth?

I have a lot of random wifi disconnections but bluetooth still works. So connecting over bluetooth within the app and restarting the Wallbox fixes the wifi connection.

I would really like to initiate the restart from home assistant.

Would most of you still go with Wallbox? Are there better alternatives when it comes to Homeassistant integration and reliability of that?

Iā€™m in the market for an EV charger but want to make sure I get one that has continued support for HASS integration incl. enough ability to be controlled reliable (eg prefer not to have Wifi issues for example)

Excellent question. Iā€™m happy with how the integration now works, it is reliable and has the functionality I need. I run a lot of automations on the charger. Only downside is frequent short interruptions of the WiFi connection, but they hardly influence the functionality.

However; the HA integration does not work with an official Wallbox API. That means it could brake at any time, and Wallbox has not shown an interest in the integration with HA or any other system at all. So the future is not guaranteed. Thatā€™s why I would at least look for an alternative. Let me know what you find, I will be building a new house soon.

Hello. I am researching this once a year, so here I go again.
I have several Zappis, and generally happy with the thing itself - itā€™s convenient to use, has an actually useful physical user interface.
But Iā€™m not happy with their cloud-based API, because itā€™s really slow, not reliable and missing some features I need (like manual control of charging power) and, most importantly, I need local control.

Iā€™m ready to swap these to something else, if only there were any options.
So, are there any?
3 phase, LAN interface, local API and HA integration. Maybe modbusOverTCP, or at very least RS485. Physical interface to at least start/stop is high on my list.

Mhhh. Just ordered a Zappi 2.1 yesterdayā€¦ On the basis that this seemed to have the best integration with Home Assistant. Wallbox also seems great but the potential loss of connectivity via wifi will give me more issues in my scenario.

Hope I made the right choiceā€¦

I think the problem is that the EVSE manufacturers have no interest in fulfilling those expectations.

I have a Wallbox Pulsar Plus:

It only has WiFi no LAN (indeed I would have liked a LAN connection). The next step up from Wallbox does have a LAN connection if I recall correctly. The WiFi connectivity has been an issue in the past, but that has been resolved. There are still short interruptions, but they donā€™t seem to negatively influence the connected functionality (maybe they just added a watchdog).

The integration with HA is not a local API (indeed I would have liked a local API). But the integration works well and gives all the functionality that can be realized with the (very simple) AC charging communication protocol,

There is no physical interface (ok with me, but not with the family). I have three physical push buttons next to the charger to select ā€˜NOWā€™, ā€˜TOMORROWā€™ or ā€˜WHENEVERā€™ charger modes, HA manages the charger to realize the functionality. The modes optimize the users charge expectation and the solar power generation.

The Wallbox is a compromise that works well for me. Have not found a better alternative.


@VdR - Did you notice there was an extended outage of the API last Sunday from about 13:50 until 15:15 UTC?

Itā€™s the first prolonged outage Iā€™ve seen for many weeks, although there are shorter ones from time to time e.g. yesterday at 19:21 until 19:30 UTC.

Overall though, reliability of the Wallbox API is very good. I tried local control through OCPP but that was hopeless - far less reliable than API through the cloud.

No. Last Sunday afternoon only one interruption. At 13:34 for 60 seconds.

Interruptions are always 30 or 60 seconds.

Note the the charging continues, the functionality is not affected.

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Thanks @VdR for your reply. Yes, the disconnections I usually see are 30 seconds long and charging continues as you say, so itā€™s not a big deal.

Pleased to hear the prolonged outage didnā€™t affect you, so it must have been a wider internet issue somewhere. Other websites I use frequently were still working, so thatā€™s why I wondered if it was a Wallbox API issue.

Although, I had already physically set the Maximum current to 25A within the Wallbox charger, I have also set the rate of charge from the settings in my Hyundai Kona to minimum because I am off grid. So, my charging current of 6A to 25A, gives about 0.5kw to about 3kw per hour and it is good enough for me.

After several months of unsuccessfully trying to get Eco-Smart to work with the Wallbox Pulsar Plus and the EM112 Carlo Gavazzi meter, I have decided to try my hands on Home Assistant to achieve something similar to the Eco-Smart in my off-grid power system.

I really donā€™t want to get involved with coding, and I just want a simple automation, so I used the Home Assistant user interface to create an automation which simply use options to select the charging current as follows according to the voltage of my inverter battery which depends on solar charging power;

The charging starts if battery voltage is above 54.9v, and current is set by Home Assistant to 6a.

Above 55v to below 55.5v set current to 10a
Above 55.5v to below 56v set current to 15a
Above 56v to below 56.5v set current to 20a
Above 56.5v set current to 25a

When I ran the automation, it started and changed the charging current from 6a to 20a, but it was stuck there even when the battery voltage had changed.

So, my question is, please how do I introduce a loop into the automation so it can loop back to check the other options and change the current accordingly?

Good afternoon, can I connect the Wallbox pulsar which only has bluetooth?

I had one of those originally, but the Bluetooth performance was very poor. Our local distributor agreed to exchange it for a Pulsar Plus about a year later. Very glad I made the switch.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s any way to interface it with HAss unless you use a Bluetooth proxy and develop your own integration.

Iā€™m wondering if it would be possible to have like a card where you can set a timer for X number of hours / minutes and a start button to trigger the Wallbox being active for that amount of time. This would be the first step in automating a few things, but I have no clue how to start, so any pointers are welcome.

Since we have a battery which gets charged by solar, but our Wallbox has no idea about the battery, I would like to automate the process a bit. When I plug in my car, I would like to be able to start charging for X amount of time or until the home battery has less than 40% power. Of course during the winter I would like to ignore that last thing.

This would help me solve the problem I am now having where I have 15 kWh battery fully charged when I get home, start acharge and forget about it ā€¦ which makes the car charge to 80%. I would like to be able to set a timer and / or a necessary remaining state of charge on the battery (whatever comes first). That way I could start a charge for 2 hours or until the battery has 33% of juice left.

Any pointers on where to start ? Iā€™m rather new to HA.

Nice ā€¦ Iā€™m still trying to figure out where to start myself.

What you want is entirely possible by setting up some helper entities (absolute time or a timer) but to give you the right advice good to understand your situation.

Do you want to charge at night from the home battery only or also from grid? Can you control the battery from home assistant? Is your pricing dynamic or fixed tariff?

My own setup uses emhass which prioritizes battery charge and discharge based in price optimization. It can schedule the car charge as well but for the moment I use Ev smart charging which again optimizes the cost based on electricity tariff and controls the wallbox. Last thing I want is for the car to load itself from the home battery, two times charge/discharge inefficiency, wear and tear of the battery etc. But your situation may be different depending on country etc.

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My idea is to make it charge on the battery when there is enough SoC in the battery, leaving about 30% in so at night we could theoretically have everything up and runnign wihtout the need for using power from the grid.

So what I would like to do

  • Winter mode - start a charge for X amount of time, maybe even start at a given time (10 PM because power is cheaper in the night).
  • Summer mode - for those months where we produce enough solar power is to start a charge for X amount of time or until the SoC of the battery is below 30%.

Right now I come home and my 15 kWh home battery is full, so I plug in my tesla and start a charge using the Wallbox app. I know that in about 2 hours my home battery will have 30 to 40% power left. So ideally it should stop in 2 hours or when the SoC of the home battery is below a certain level.

Because currently ā€¦ I come home, see that the SoC of the home battery is 100%, plug in the Tesla, start a charge and then forget about it. So the car might charge from 30 to 40% on solar using the battery but the rest it will pull from the grid.Which I might not want since the next day I know my battery will be full again (and I might even push energy on the grid) but my car is fully charged.

I hope my expanation isnā€™t making it even more confusing :slight_smile:

Do you have battery soc available in HA? And can you control the battery from HA? What about the car? Do you have the location of the car in HA and the soc of the car?

Did some more work on it during the vacation on a rainy day :slight_smile: Now I can 1. Turn on/off the HA based charge bot. 2. Select to charge with excess solar 3. Select to charge on cheapest hrs by night (and in combo with solar). 4. Just charge w/o looking at solar or electricity price. 5. Select priority between charger one and two.

It load balance based on P1 phase data from Tibber Pulse (can be replaced with and P1 or phase metering gadget like Shellyā€™s).

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Include some snaps from my UI. Sorry for the Swedish (most self explanatory).

Needs some helpers in HA (place them in you UI to turn on/off capabilities) + some add-onā€™s in Node-Red: node-red-contrib-power-saver, node-red-contrib-bool-gate, node-red-contrib-boolean-logic-ultimate



I have now published the Wallbox Pulsar Plus rooting procedure and my proof of concept code for local rest API, local MQTT and modbus TCP. This is still very rough and you should know you way around code to use it properly. Iā€™m super excited about what the community can achieve and hope to make the Wallbox the most hackable and cloud optional, local friendly, EVSE out there.