Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

oh ok, I thought the timer was for planning a session, but it’s for registerion of start and stop times?
I was asking because I would like to plan sessions using HA instead of the wallbox app or car app, but I don’t know if planning a session would be feasible through mqtt?
if not, I can always create my own session planning in HA in addition to the app off course.
about SoC, I’m surprised there is no app for your Nissan Leaf.
If I’m not mistaken, there is a NissanConnect EV app?
for my cars, I use Tibber, but if you don’t have a Nissan account for your car, it won’t be an option for you either because Tibber uses the login credentials for your car account.

I have my dashboard split into 2 views for the car/wallbox.
the first is my main view and contains information about energy use of the house and cars/wallboxes.
on the first view if I tap on the battery icon of the car, a window with additional information for the car will pop up.
on the main view there are only 2 buttons, one to stop/resume the charging and one to control the eco settings.
at the bottom there is additional information about the charge session displayed with some border animation to visualize the charge status.
(charging is blinking green border, charged is fixed green, paused is blinking orange, etc…)

the 2nd view is specifically for the wallbox settings:
here I can choose to override all automations for the wallbox and use it 100% manually.
I will add in this view the charge limit and planning.

@jagheterfredrik - Yes please :slightly_smiling_face:

And if you can find it, the Session Timer as well, because the timestamp when the session started doesn’t tell the whole story. Obviously, time when the charger is paused, shouldn’t be counted.

I asked the author of the cloud integration to expose it, but they didn’t think it was important. It’s easier if it comes from the Wallbox, because sometimes I need to restart the NR flows and my timer gets reset to 0, when it shouldn’t be. Another sensor would be ideal.

@Krivatri - Yes, there is a NissanConnect EV app, but it doesn’t work in New Zealand. We are a very small market of around 5 million people with no cars being manufactured since the 1990s. Consequently, we need to import cars from other markets. In the case of the Nissan Leaf, the usual sources are Japan and the UK (both Right Hand Drive, same as NZ). Nissan’s telematics module (both Japanese and UK versions) doesn’t connect to the mobile phone networks in NZ. So, we are stuck with no easy way to read SoC from the Leaf.

Regarding your dashboard, Wow!!! I am very impressed! The presentation is much cleaner than mine. I just used the gauges and buttons built-in to NR, but I can see the advantage of using ‘Mushroom Cards’ I think they are called in HA. Your dashboard looks very professional.

Regarding my Charging Timer, it’s just a very simple way of charging for a few hours at Off-peak times. I don’t use it during summer, but only in winter when there isn’t enough solar power available. I don’t need anything fancy like schedules.

My 2 different charge scenarios are similar to what someone else said earlier in this thread…

WHENEVER: If we don’t plan on going driving for the next 2 or 3 days, I leave my dashboard set to ‘Solar Only’ mode, so it will grab excess solar power when it can. There is no fixed schedule.

NOW: Otherwise, if we must go driving within the next few hours, I set the current to 16 Amps and hit the green button. It stops when it is full.

We don’t go out to work every day, so our requirements are very simple.

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bummer, that’s annoying.
isn’t there a way to “trick” the app thinking you’re in another country?
maybe through bluestacks or something similar?
like what I do to be able to use Tibber as it’s not available in my country.

Yes, I could trick the Nissan app into thinking I was in another country, using a VPN or similar. That’s the easy part. But unfortunately, I can’t trick the car into thinking it’s in a different country because the Telematics module either has a Japanese SIM card, or a UK SIM card. Unfortunately, nobody has found a way to hack the module so it works in NZ.

Various ideas have been suggested such as leaving an OBDII dongle plugged in and using OVMS. But it can drain the 12V battery and it’s a lot of hassle just to find the SoC. If I go into the garage I can tell whether the car is < 33%, 33% - 66% or > 66% just by looking at the blinking LEDs on the dash. It’s good enough for me.

P.S. I answered your question about the Charging Timer in a later edit of my post above.

maybe some day someone will have an answer on how to bypass the car limitations regarding the telematics module, luckily you don’t need to know the soc of the car all the time, but I suppose others do in NZ.
it’s always funny how different it is for everyone.
regarding my dashboard, thank you for the kind words!
just like you I started using HA in 2022, in the beginning I used only the available cards through the UI, but eventually learned about the yaml code behind it and it grew from there, at the same time trying to keep it as clean and simple as possible so my wife can understand and use it easily when I’m not home.
besides some mushroom cards and gauges, it now is all manually coded custom-button cards and lots of templating.
thank you to clarify your charging timer, makes sense in your case.

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I’m trying to create a mechanisme to schedule charge sessions in HA but I don’t know how to postpone the charge when plugging the car in.
so far I created a helper switch to specify if the schedule is on or off.
if it’s on, plugging the car in should postpone the charging, but not sure how to achieve this.
I tried an automation with a trigger when the “cable connected” changes to “on”, the “charging enable” is set to “off”, but because the “charging enable” is already “off”, this does not work and charging starts anyway.
is there a way to prevent the “charging enable” from changing to “on” when the car is gets plugged in?

Use the lock

ah yes off course!
going to need the lock after all lol.
thx for the tip.

I find the lock/pause split to be terrible UX and have considered making an option for “unified charge control”.

The idea would be to make a single switch (“charging enabled”) that would make the charger follow the behavior no matter if the car is currently plugged in or not by operating the lock/pause under the hood according to status.

Not a bad idea such an option.
Could simplify things in many cases.

I have a boolean which is activated based on a charge schedule (in my case price based, ev smart charging). If the boolean is off and wallbox status changes to charging the pause/resume is triggered to pause. If on it turns pause/resume to on (if not already charging).

I test this on a status change of the charger, on restart of ha and if/when the charger is plugged. At the same time I test if the car is home and if skoda reports it as plugged in. If not it cancels the charge.

Folks, sorry to hijack this thread with a new issue, but there seems to be knowledgeable people here!

I can access my Wallbox through the app and mywallbox.com

Now I’m trying to setup the Home Assistant Wallbox integration and I’m having a problem right from the start. When I try to add credentials here…


I enter the serial number and the username password, but it fails. One clue is that I’m using “login with Google” rather than an email address/password. Simply using the google credentials obviously doesn’t work for the purposes of this integration.

Do I need to remove the charger from the Google-linked mywallbox account, and create a new email-based account for this to work?


@arundel_jk - I’ve always used an email-based account and never had any problems getting the integration to work. One thing I have noticed recently is that Wallbox seem to be automatically logging me out from the Wallbox app and portal after only a few days of inactivity. Going back to last year, I could stay logged in for much longer. All the more reason to avoid using the Wallbox app and portal and stick with local control.

I tried to add my wallbox through the cloud integration after deleting it, but am not able to either.

Edit: found it, can add the wallbox again.
You should not use the credentials from my.wallbox.com for the integration, but the email linked to the charger.
When logged in to my.wallbox.com go to users, there you can see the linked email address.

I’ve made a boolean helper for activating or deactivating a schedule.
In addition I made 3 input helpers too, one for the start time, one for the end time and one for the charge limit.
When schedule is ‘on’ it will lock the wallbox so the car can be plugged and charging won’t start until the start time is reached, then the wallbox will be unlocked, starting the charge.
When schedule end time or charge limit is reached, charging is stopped.

@jagheterfredrik - The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a ‘Unified Charge Control’. It would remove the need to have separate Lock/Unlock controls and instead there would be only one switch which works the same way whether plugged or unplugged.

One thing such a control would need to include, is a way to restore the current state after a power failure. That is the main purpose of my ‘Enable Charger’ switch. If the power comes back on with the car plugged in, my Wallbox will start charging immediately, rather than waiting for solar power to become available. If my charger is disabled via that switch, it will detect that charging has started after power returns, and quickly pause until solar power is available.

Edit: After doing some tests with simulated power failures, I’ve found that the Wallbox remembers whether it was locked or unlocked prior to power failure, and restores the correct status when the power returns. This may lead to a confusing situation where the yellow LEDs (showing Locked) are displayed, even though the car is plugged in. However, if the Unlock button is pressed, the Wallbox returns to cyan (Paused) and then stays that way, apparently ignoring further presses of the Lock button (although the correct status is retained internally). All very confusing and I agree, the UX design is terrible.

I think we can agree on the UX design. But reading the above there are multiple ways people have overcome the limitations. Also with different reasons for doing so. Irrespective of incremental features think it’s good to leave this flexibility to ensure continued operability with different brands/makes of cars.

The method of @Krivatri for instance linking the initiation of charging to the lock does not work for my car. The charge needs to initiate when plugging in to make sure it’s recognised by the car, otherwise I get an error on the car api (failed charge) and the plug is not locked but instead released (Skoda Enyaq).

To overcome this I let the wallbox “do what it needs to do” and subsequently pause the charge (typically after 30 seconds) - that way skoda accepts the plug and properly locks it.

Similar to @GrantK I have an automation to recover the charge (we are lucky not to have power failures… but wallbox cloud service fails over and over). To do this I monitor the state change of the wallbox (if it changes from for instance disconnected or unavailable) and bring it in line with the intended state based on the Boolean.

good point mentioning you have a Skoda Enyaq because it has the same hardware as my wife’s Audi Q4.
I only tested my workaround on a Polestar 2 and had no issues there.
the Q4 shows the same behavior as your Skoda, the initiation failes when the wallbox is locked and plugging the car in.
after a few seconds, the plug is released.
But when you unlock the wallbox at that point, the charge starts nevertheless.
I remember having this issue in the very beginning owning the car and having scheduled the wallbox for a session.
it’s more a shortcoming of the car to me.
on the other hand, it is more or less a feature I guess, in case someone wants to charge with your wallbox and the wallbox is locked, the plug is released so you as an owner of the wallbox can unplug the other car, otherwise you’re stuck and can’t use your own wallbox.