Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

@register - I started with the OCPP integration before switching to this one. I found that the comms suffered from frequent disconnections, and the Pause/Resume function created a new charging session each time Resume was used. It meant a lot of short charging sessions appeared in the Wallbox App/Portal log and the L1/L2 session counter on my EV increased a lot.

With MQTT Bridge, I have the best of both worlds. Logging to the Wallbox servers continues and I have totally reliable local control with a properly implemented Pause/Resume function.

@GrantK That makes sense. I will see how latest OCPP integration performs here (sofar good).

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Thanks @jagheterfredrik, your work has made this excellent wallbox the best for Home Assistant!
Just one question, where can I find the sensors.go file? I would like to change the name of some sensors.

Youā€™ll need to download the source files and change sensors.go from there and then rebuild the bridge file and upload it to your wallbox, thatā€™s how I do it.
But why would you change the names there, itā€™s easier to do this in HA?

Yes you are right, I could change it to HA too. However, I would also like to change the unit of measurement and Iā€™m not sure it can be done. However, these are minor thingsā€¦

Yes itā€™s possible to change the unit of measurement in HA, I did the same thing.

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@RT1080 and others,

Weā€™ve had many discussions over the past year or so about how handy it would be to switch between single and 3-phase charging to optimise the use of solar power. Well, it looks like someone has finally developed a charger with this capability, and it is supported with an HA integration, using OCPP. Model of the charger is Garo Entity Pro

There is a GitHub discussion about it hereā€¦

In my case I will stick with single phase. But I remember there are others in this thread who would like to be able to charge at less than 4.2kW, using a charger which is capable of 3-phase. Having a range of control from 1.4kW to 11kW is pretty impressive!

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nice! if this was possible with our wallbox, I would use it, especially in winter time when there is not a lot of solar power available.

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Very nice indeed! If i would not have the wallbox this might be an option. Am quite happy with the wallbox though especially with the local control we have in place!

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@RT1080 - I wonder if it would be possible to put relays on 2 out of 3 phases, to interrupt the supply to your Wallbox, leaving just one phase operational? I can imagine you might need to Pause before opening the relays, then Resume again once single phase condition was active.

It would need a bit of detective work to discover which phase is used to power the Wallbox internal circuitry, leaving that one active and disconnecting the other two. Assuming of course, that your EV is happy to be charged using single phase at some times and 3-phase at others. Could be worth exploring.

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Haha, not sure my insurance company would be very happy with tinkering. Itā€™s a nice idea though.

In the Netherlands for now we have net metering so no economic case to build this - no incentive to use solar energy when itā€™s generated at all. Unsustainable, short sighted but thatā€™s politics nowadaysā€¦

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Iā€™ve run mine on only L1

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Interesting, how did you achieve this?

I mean that when I was researching the box I didnā€™t have it installed but laying on a table. I didnā€™t want to pull three-phase just to tinker so i hooked up one phase to L1 and it boots just fine


Looking at the installation guide and schematics, you can connect the wallbox to a 1phase or 3phase installation. 1P has to be connected to L1 and N.
So 1 phase charging is possible. Controlling the power relays separately internally on a 3 phase installation is an other question.

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If I needed to control the L2 and L3 inputs to my Wallbox, I would use a double-pole contactor rated for at least 32 Amps per phase. Then connect the coil of the contactor to a Shelly Plus 1. It has an internal relay which would easily drive the contactor coil. Would be best to put a snubber circuit across the contactor coil, to suppress voltage spikes.

All the Shelly modules integrate very easily with HA. I have several of them located around my house to control bathroom fans, heated towel rails and a ventilation fan in the roof space.

Question is how the wallbox will react to a sudden missing phase.

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Question is how the wallbox will react to a sudden missing phase.

  • Pause, disconnect L2/L3 then Resume may be enough.

  • Or maybe a reboot would be required.

Some experimenting needed for anyone who wishes to explore this option.

powering off the wallbox, switching to 1 phase and rebooting will work without a doubt, but thatā€™s not very convenient when charging the car.
pausing and disconnecting one or two phases and resuming would be a big step forward.
but the ability to disconnect phases when charging and not having to pause would obviously be the solution we need, but Iā€™m not very keen on trying this out, someone else maybe? :upside_down_face:

I guess you could disconnect 2 phases during winter months, this would be very interesting in my case as I mostly charge at 4,2 kw during winter.
with only 1 phase connected the max charge power is 7,4 kw. So still plenty.