šŸ–¼ļø WallPanel Addon - Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Dashboards

Hi everyone.
Recently I am facing issues with the random generator of image url that I am using for my WallPanel screensaver.
Am I the only one?

No you are not the only one!

You now need to sign up and get an api key.


Maybe someone can help with the unsplah code formatting?

So I have set up my wall panel with a daytime and night time profile. I also have a weather card on it.

What I would like to do is have the query on unsplash to reflect the current weather condition pull up pictures based on day or night and weather.

 https://api.unsplash.com/photos/random?client_id=MY ACCESS CODE&query=day

I figured it out and I am playing now with the API ā€¦
I have access and it would work.
Challenge is that the response comes as a full JSON file, not directly as url as in the past.
I guess I will need a template helper to parse the JSON and extract the url.

The image quality with the Unsplah api url is quitte low, how to improve this?

I tried https://api.unsplash.com/photos/random?client_id=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY&query=iceland&w=1920&h=1200

How can I make this card thinner on my screensaver and smaller in ratio? I actually had this working but stupidly deleted whatever card config I had and for the life of me canā€™t remember. Code below and photo - which as you can see is taking up a third of my screensaver. I would love it to be alot thinner and smaller if possible. Thank you if youā€™re able to help!!

> wallpanel:
  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: false
  idle_time: 10
  keep_screen_on_time: 86400
  black_screen_after_time: 7200
  control_reactivation_time: 1
  image_url: media-entity://camera.google_photos_samuel_sinead_2017_2022_media
  image_fit: cover
  info_animation_duration_x: 90
  info_animation_duration_y: 90
  info_animation_timing_function_x: ease-in-out
  info_animation_timing_function_y: ease-in-out
  info_move_pattern: random
  info_move_interval: 0
  info_move_fade_duration: 2
  card_interaction: true
      font-size: 8vh
      font-weight: 600
      color: '#eeeeee'
      text-shadow: '-2px -2px 0 '
    - type: iframe
      url: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/collection/top-stories
      aspect_ratio: 1100%
      wp_style: null
      '--wp-card-width': '-100px'
      '--wp-card-margin': 5px

Unable to start the screensaver with the latest homes assist version.

Is anyone else also facing the same issue?

1 Like

Nope. I have it on two tablets and am running everything up to date. Both are working fine.

@Yasp0 Have you managed to fix the image quality issue?



I have the same problem and get the following error message:

Uncaught error from Chrome WebView 107.0.5304.105 on Android 8.1.0 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜editModeā€™) _createCardElement (src/panels/lovelace/views/hui-view.ts:79:36) /hacsfiles/lovelace-wallpanel/wallpanel.js:1146:53 WallpanelView.createInfoBoxContent (/hacsfiles/lovelace-wallpanel/wallpanel.js:1132:17) WallpanelView.startScreensaver (/hacsfiles/lovelace-wallpanel/wallpanel.js:2090:8) WallpanelView.timer (/hacsfiles/lovelace-wallpanel/wallpanel.js:769:10)

Itā€™s working fine again after an update to version v4.25.4

it seems HEIC is not supported on HA itself, not able to view any HEIC files in media browser within HA

Is anyone else also facing the same issue?

@clintferns77 Maybe, my screensavers have stopped working on one set of dashboards for sure recently. Did you fix it?

My error is

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'editMode')
at WallpanelView.value (hui-view.ts:79:37)
at wallpanel.js?hacstag..95064164254:1149:53
at Array. forEach (ā€¹anonymous>)
at WallpanelView.createInfoBoxContent (wallpanel.js?hacstag...95064164254:1135:17) 
at WallpanelView.startScreensaver (wallpanel.js?hacstag...095064164254: 2098:8)
at WallpanelView.timer (wallpanel.js?hacstag...095064164254:772:10)

Latest HA and latest WP as of right now

Just fixed it once on Edge then it failed again by clearing the cache. Screensaver loaded, but itā€™s now doing the same again minutes after, even if I now clear the cache

Edit: Seems to be coming to life over time. Multiple cache clears and itā€™s now seemingly reliable, if that helps anyoneā€¦

Hello, Iā€™m trying to customize my wallpanel layout.
Instead of having all the cards in the top left part of the screen, I try to position a part of the cards on the right side of the screen.

I read the doc but donā€™t understant how to use the CSS. I also tried with layout-card, but no success.
Then I found the following post in this discussion. My question may be stupid, but I really donā€™t understand how to use this.
Should I replace ā€œcontent: Card1ā€ with my card content?

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve been trying to get a wall panel screen saver setup that has a semi transparent calendar, clock, and weather with a background slideshow. Iā€™ve been trying for hours and canā€™t get the cards to fit properly on the screen. Theyā€™re either small and only taking up a quarter or so of the screen, or theyā€™re extremely over-sized. Hereā€™s the code Iā€™m using right now which results in the over-sized problem. Iā€™m also attaching a pic for reference. (I know I have 2 weather cards right now, itā€™s just for fit check). Iā€™ve tried every combo of width: 100%, ā€˜ā€“wp-card-widthā€™: 100%, etc, but I canā€™t get it to simply fill the screen.

The background slideshow is working perfectly at least.

How do I accomplish my goal?

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: false
  image_background: color
  image_fit: contain
  image_order: random
  image_url: /local/Backgrounds
  idle_time: 2
  fade_in_time: 3
  crossfade_time: 2
  display_time: 60
  control_reactivation_time: 0.5
  keep_screen_on_time: 0
  show_progress_bar: true
      '--wp-card-width': 100%
      width: 100%
      height: 100%
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:clock-weather-card
              entity: weather.forecast_home
              sun_entity: sun.sun
              weather_icon_type: line
              animated_icon: true
              forecast_rows: 1
              locale: en-GB
              time_pattern: HH:mm:ss
              time_format: 24
              date_pattern: ccc, d.MM.yy
              hide_today_section: false
              hide_forecast_section: false
              show_humidity: true
              hide_clock: false
              hide_date: false
              hourly_forecast: false
              use_browser_time: false
              show_decimal: false
            - type: weather-forecast
              entity: weather.forecast_home
              forecast_type: weekly
        - type: calendar
          initial_view: dayGridMonth
            - calendar.birthdays
            - calendar.holidays
            - calendar.family
            - calendar.work_meetings
          title: Full-Screen Calendar

I need help on what to use in enabled_on_tabs. The dashboard name is Tablet and the name of the tab is nesthome. If I remove it, the screensaver shows up everywhere. I only want it to show up in the ā€œTabletā€ dashboard. How do I find the name I should be using here

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: false
  image_fit: cover
    - nesthub
  screensaver_entity: input_boolean.screensaver_hub1
  display_time: 15
  idle_time: 60
  image_url: media-entity://camera.google_photos_favorites_media
    - type: markdown
      content: ' {{ states(''sensor.timenew'') }}'
        style: |
          ha-card {
            font-size: 80px;
            font-weight: 250;
    - type: markdown
      content: >-
        {{ states('sensor.weekday') }}, {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{
        now().day }}
        style: |
          ha-card {
            font-size: 15px;
            font-weight: 300;
    - type: custom:atomic-calendar-revive
      enableModeChange: true
      firstDayOfWeek: 1
      maxDaysToShow: 7
      maxEventCount: 6
      disableEventLink: true
      disableLocationLink: true
      refreshInterval: 60
      showWeekDay: true
        - calendar.anniversaries
    - type: custom:simple-weather-card
      entity: weather.home
      name: ' '
      '--wp-card-width': 420px
      background-color: '#00000099'
      box-shadow: >-
        0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0,
        0.14), 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
      '--ha-card-background': none
      '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
      '--ha-card-border-width': 0px
      '--primary-background-color': '#111111'
      '--secondary-background-color': '#202020'
      '--primary-text-color': '#e1e1e1'
      '--secondary-text-color': '#9b9b9b'```

Hi there,

I am using fully kiosk browser in conjuntion with wall panel and for the most part it works great, but there is something within my fully kiosk settings that stops the screen saver within 24 hours every time and for the life of me I canā€™t figure out what setting is doing that. I am sure its something within fully kiosk browser because using the wall panel dashboard on my home computer activates the screen saver perfectly fine and it continues moving through photos without issue. I am using the google photos integration with it if that helps.

Has anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?


My code is as followsā€¦ and I still donā€™t get any images! Everything else works. I just get a black background.

  enabled: true
  hide_toolbar: false
  hide_sidebar: false
  fullscreen: true
  idle_time: 5
  image_url: https://source.unsplash.com/random/${1920}x${1080}?dogs,cats,nature
  info_animation_duration_x: 30
  info_animation_duration_y: 30

    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:weather-card
          details: true
          forecast: true
          hourly_forecast: false
          name: Weather
          entity: weather.inicio
          current: true
          number_of_forecasts: '6'