I got excited when I found this thread and bought an Android tablet for this use case. After a day of struggling I finally got it working - and it’s fantastic!! Can’t wait to print a wall mount and watch my wife’s reaction when I’ve added the wedding photos (which up until now have just been collecting digital dust…). 10/10, Thank you @j-a-n !!
Any chance this add-on also can support .mp4 (or other video format) in the future as well?
Hi @j-a-n firstly I wanted to say amazing work on this project. I use it daily for a tablet in our kitchen and it works just beautifully. My level of appreciate for you work cannot be described with words! Gushing aside, I wanted to reach out and ask for some advice/tips.
I am currently enabling the wallpanel on the tablet (running fully kiosk) but setting the fully kiosk URL to
However, I want to turn-off and disable the wallpanel/screensaver if I navigate away to a different tab. I understand from the document that I can turn-off the screensave by toggling off this input_boolean I set for the screensaver_entity. This seems to dismiss the screensaver, however, it eventually returns after the idle_time.
I’ve seen in your documentation that there is a enabled_on_tabs: setting however I’m not sure what tab names I should use here. In your example yaml you have set it to default_view. What else can I put here? If I have a navigation path like /lovelace/bedroom would the tab name be bedroom? or the full navigation path? or is it something else?
Some more guidance on the best way to dismiss and disable the wallpanel screensaver using a script would be great! Thanks so much
Thanks Wallpanel is a really great addon and very flexible in what you can create! This is the config I run right now (excluding the cards). The sensor.dashboard_samsung_screensaver_image_url has the entity_picture of my main media player as state. I’ve got an automation which sets it everytime a new song is playing.
I’ve read this entire thread and can’t seem to figure out wtf I’m doing wrong so hopefully someone can help me out.
I have a panel touchscreen on a wall. Here is what I’m hoping to do…
No weather card (can that be removed altogether? I hate javing that there and if I remove my local forecast, I get the damn error).
Start screensaver after X seconds (for testing I’ve been using 10)
Make sure the screensaver is dimmed (the wall panel is in a room that I want to be nearly completely dark but I want the images to display…just dimmed)
Here is what I have tried (and miserably failed at)…
Nothing changes. The screensaver is still 100% brightness.
I then tried to just black out the screen using the black_screen_after_time set to 10 seconds but that miserably fails as well.
Can someone point me to where I am screwing up?
Also, curiously, everytime I save the code, it adds the “null” text next to the style. Is that expected? It doesn’t matter what I do, “null” is always there.
Probably not for this thread but just in case anyone would know. I’m trying to display the content ${UserComment} EXIF tag but it is showing numbers (first row in screenshot). The date tag is fine.
Anyone know if any addtional config/coding has to be done to display the text properly?