WallPanel Audio problem

I’ve moved over to WallPane from Fully Kiosk as I found that too slow when rendering graphs.

I’m trying to use the audio command and not hearing anything.
I have an audio file on a network drive with the path


When I type this in Chrome it plays the clip.
When I use HA Developer Tool/Actions to send the URL as part of an audio command to Wallpanel, I get nothing. No indication of an error in HA nor the panel itself.
The Topic is


and the Payload


I’ve tried it withoiut the file:// prefix and with http://. They don’t work either.
The volume is set to 80%.
If I send the payload


that works fine.

What am I missing?


I randomly looked for an audio clip on the net and came across this url of a sci fi space laser firing…


When I use this in the payload, it works! Still don’t see what I’m missing though.