Wallpanel Battery Management

Am getting these warnings in my log for the automation using this blueprint. Is anyone else seeing these? I have filled in all of the fields for the automation and it does work. Just trying to understand why I would be getting these warnings.

* Error in 'HABoard01 Battery Management' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: no entity specified
* Error in 'HABoard02 Battery Management' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: no entity specified
* Error in 'HABoard03 Battery Management' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: no entity specified
* Error in 'HABoard04 Battery Management' trigger: In 'numeric_state' condition: no entity specified

I got and old tablet (galaxy tab 2 10" )
I installed a custom rom for using at least the android 6.0, but in kiosk my dashboard is on white mode, even with webview updated…

is there something to change to dark mode version?

got it!

just tap on my profile and change dark.

hi I have imported this blueprint but when I setup I get error 500 message:

Perhaps this link can help you trace your issue:

Sounds like it may be an issue in your automations.yaml file

Anyone else seeing issues under HA 2022.10.x where occasionally entities go unavailable at the exact time the automation executes and so the action does not happen? My charge controller has been working a gem up until 2022.10 and recently it either completely discharges or hits 100% and then of course, never cycles the power switch so the charger stays on.

See what happened at @ 0751 this morning when the battery reached 80% and the blueprint went to turn off the device. It ended up leaving the charger on which is not good.


@ xbmcnut I haven’t seen exactly that (AFAICT), but I have seen the turn on / off action just silently fail to happen a couple of times.

I’m using this blueprint with an Amazon Fire tablet. HA is running in not-yet-licensed Fully Kiosk web. USB charging goes through one of those very cute Sonoff Micro USB charge switches. Home Assistant 2022.10.5, Frontend 20221010.0 - latest

Most of the time, this works perfectly for both high (90%) and low (30%) charge percent values. I see a nice triangle wave with no breaks. A few times, maybe every 3-4 days, the ramp up or down does not stop at the configured value. It either charges all the way to 100% or discharges to 0% and the tablet turns off.

That’s exactly what I’m seeing. I’m careful now when restarting HA to check and make sure the battery is not at 30% when I do that.

As a workaround, I’ve defined a second automation that uses a slightly wider range with this blueprint. I’m hoping that if my original “mis-fires” (for whatever this turns out to be) that I’ll be lucky and the second one will fire correctly.

Well, just in time. My 31% low trigger didn’t fire, and my 27% backup low trigger caught it. Then a repeat for the 90% high trigger and the 94% backup high trigger (the image below). It’s a mystery why this is so unreliable. The graph shows regular battery level updates in HA every 30 seconds.

Loving this, it’s so useful!
Would it be possible to add to the blueprint a ‘forced charge’ time period, where. the tablet will charge, for example during a low cost / off peak electricity time window?

Is that something wrong with importing this blueprint?
I’m getting this error message:

The automation_reloaded event trigger does nothing: plug is on, battery is above lower threshold. Why doesn’t the automation turn off the plug?

The plug will only turn off when the battery is above the upper threshhold.

So if the plug is powered on (e. g. after a power outage *) the automation decided to leave it on and charge the device. I had another assumption, okay.

(*) happens rarely, but when it does well let’s charge the battery.

As long as the battery is below the upper limit you set it will charge, if the battery is above that limit it will turn off the plug.

If it is above the lower limit when the power goes off, but below the lower limit when it comes back on the plug will turn on.

Yeah I got it. I just realized the blueprint is made to handle this situation like the following:

When it is above the lower limit and the power goes on, the power stays on.

I was expecting to power off until the lower limit is reached, but of course this doesn’t work that way.

Thx for explanation.

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Just saying a thank you for this. I’m a new at HA and set this up on a Fire Hd-10 2019 yesterday.

With Fully Kiosk unlicensed trial. Using HA green. A KASA wifi switch in testing.

I don’t have a graph I like yet, like some shown above, but that’s on me.

It worked fine this morning for me to start charging and shutdown was good also.

Glad it helped

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