Wallpanel Battery Management

Feature Request:
Can we add a second Charged Percent and Low Percent setting together with a “Maintenance - run alternative charged/low plan every X times” setting?

Goal is to do a full cyle on/after e. g. every 20th load. It is generally recommended to run such a full cycle at least once a month.


  • Normal: 20 % to 80 %
  • Maintenance: 10 % to 100 % on every 20th load

If necessary (or no smarter solution available), let’s store the load cycle in a helper entity.

What do you think @seamus65 ?

This is a very good suggestion and I would advice to also hold the charging on for 30 minutes after reaching 100% in the maintenance charging and maybe also let the device totally discharge 30 minutes.
Reason for this… I’m currently running this cycle for some weeks now to recover my phone from continuous charging at 60%. That strategy was probably good for the battery but the phone battery control SW will be totally messed up

I had to delete original suggestion about a certain app reporting Fire tablet battery level. It seemed to for a few days. But stopped.

What has been reporting accurately, (so far) is Fully Kiosk setup for remote admin. It pulls the battery data somehow and the sensor can be used. I’ll watch this and see if it continues to report accurately.

I use the wall panel app and it has been good.

don’t won’t in to automation

Did you find a solution to this?

Is it possible to include a condition in the blueprint that the tablet only charges when people are present (iphone track)?

Just testing this blueprint now, but it wasn’t able to see my battery sensor.

It could see a large amount of them, but all of those are devices are using disposable batteries.

The wall panel I’m using is running HASS.Agent and I have a stack of battery sensors for this device, but none of them show up.

This is the one that shows the dynamic percentage of the battery, and is fully working: sensor.kitchen_dashboard_battery_charge_remaining_percentage

I have manually edited the script and used this sensor instead, so I will report if it functions correctly, but not sure why it doesnt show up in the Blueprint.

Edit: This blueprint work perfectly, if your battery does show up in the list of entity’s just switch to edit yaml mode and enter it manually, then switch back to GUI edit.

Hello there, just installed it and configured to start charging when battery is less tha 25% and stop chargining when it’s above 85%.
Starts charging seems to work but I’m now over 90% and it is still charging.
(battery entity is workig and showing correct %).
I just imported the blueprint and modified the %.
Any advice on what I should look into?

Is there anyway of using this if the tablet is plugged into a PC?

Thanks for a great BP.

Unfortunately, when a device is brought “online” that has a battery charge over the threshold or under the threshold the BP does not change the state of the plug as I would expect.

For example, (TH Thresholds, Upper 80% Lower 25%)

  • If the device was powered off and has reached a 100% charge and the device is turned on, the plug, if on, will not turn off.
  • Also, if the device was discharged below 25% while out of network range or powered off, once connection to HA is reestablished the plug will not turn on if it was off.

It seems that HA must see the actual transition over or under the thresholds. If is already over or under (occoured whing the device was “disconnected”, the automation does not trigger.

Is there something incorrect on how I have implemented the BP?

What would I need to do to get the behavior I would like. e.g. when the device becomes “online”, set the plug state according to the current battery charge level.

Thanks for any advice.

A DYI possibility is to modify a USB cable and connect the red wire through a relay contact controlled by HA. Lots of options for the relays such as Shelly devices. Or better… a ESP32 controlled contact that can actually be powered from the USB port too.

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Hey @frr032 not sure if my issue is related to your but basically my battery keeps charging also above the max % set. It goes all the way up to 100% and keeps charging as the switch does not turn off.
Did you find any workaround so far? I was thinking about creating one automation to start charging (switch on) and one to sop charging (switch off).
Here’s my current automation based on this blueprint:

alias: Tablet HA muro ricarica
description: >-
Carica batteria quando scende sotto il 25% e spegne la carica quando arriva
sopra l’85%

  • condition: time
    after: “08:00:00”
    before: “19:00:00”
    path: seamus65/wallpanel-battery-management.yaml
    battery: sensor.tablet_muro_battery_level
    low_percent: 25
    charged_percent: 85
    charger: switch.tablet_muro_h_switch

Muchas gracias!!