WallPanel for Android [Formerly HomeDash]

Hi all,

I’m having an issue with Wallpanel not working on my device, which is admittedly fairly old.

I saw this problem referenced in some of the closed issues on github, but didn’t really solve my problem.

I have an old Asus Transformer Prime TF201 that I’m trying to make useful. It has an android 5.1.1 ROM running on it.

When I open Wallpanel and go to the dashboard, all that comes up is the home assistant blue header. Nothing else. The thing that I’m not understanding is when I open home assistant in google chrome on the same device it works perfectly fine. This is making me thing it is maybe a bug in the app, but I don’t really want to post an issue on github and have it be something stupid I overlooked. I have updated the Android Webviewer from the google play store. It is latest version. Also tried restarting the tablet after doing that. Still just a blank white and blue screen. Any thoughts?

Edit Just noticed the legacy release on github. Downloaded it, and it didn’t initially work, but after changing the specify browser engine option to crosswalk it worked. Though it seems very slow to respond. Not sure if that is the legacy app, the app in general, or my device in general. Thoughts and comments still welcome if anyone has any.

I’m also using WallPanel on an older device which runs an even slightly older version: Android 5.1. WallPanel works fine on that tablet. However, I do not use it with Home Assistant but with HABPanel from OpenHAB. So I can’t say anything about Home Assistant in combination with an older Android version.

I’ve rebuilt my bedroom dashboards onto lovelace. It’s all working fine in chrome but and im having a few issues with some custom cards using WallPanel on a fire 7

The cards im struggling with are weather-card, button-card and mini-media-player. The only error im getting is “Custom element doesn’t exist”

Im also using card-tools, card-modder, popup-card, compact-custom-header and they all appear to be working as they should.

I appreciate it’s probably a problem with the way the cards work but i’m hoping someone point me in the right direction on how I would go about debugging these? Is there a way of getting something similar to the chrome dev tools in WallPanel or a log file? Just something that will give me a little more information.


Thats because the webview of the fire tablets is outdated, therefore cant load the custom components. I just overread this artikle on XDA - A custom rom would take care bout this issue - you can tell me when youre successful - then I can also try it :wink:

Other thing - The camera works well on wall panel - I just struggleing to make a generic camera out this. (for the new stream: component)

Should have updated sorry. I have 2 successfully running on custom ROMs.

I have only ever used the camera for motion so not to sure on the stream component.

Hi All.

I got Wallpanel t work on a tablet that is fairly recent. I have a tablet thats 5 years old and is topped out at android 4.4 I think. Installing it on that gives me only a screen with a blue title bar and a white screen. On Git hub it mentions a legacy version. Whats the difference?

  • Android Device running Android OS 4.1 or greater. Note: Android 4.0 devices use WebView to render webpages, The WebView shipped with Android 4.4 (KitKat) is based on the same code as Chrome for Android version 30. This WebView does not have full feature parity with Chrome for Android and is given the version number If you have issues with Android 4.0 devices, you may want to use the legacy version of the application.

The legacy version allowed it to run. It will be ok for my work bench. Thanks all

I’m newbee. How can get .apk file from legacy wallpanel to install on old tablet ?


Click “Releases” on the page you linked to.

Thanks !!!

Hi all,

I have a problem with WallPanel, after a few minutes the connection is lost and the button are not working. It means each time I need to use the tablet, I first have to refresh the page before I can use it.

A month ago everything was working great.
I can’t find what’s the problem. My wifi connection is always on…

Thanks for your help

After last update the front and rear cameras are crashed my Huawei T10 tablet with Android 7.

Not helpful.

See the date of post please, but it is working now.

No, “latest” or “last” is not a version. Please get with the programme :slight_smile:

You are right but I’m sure the author can find out the version from the date. Next time I write the version too but I hope that will be not needed. :slightly_smiling_face:
Only the custom bar card doesn’t work , version is 0.8.6 Build 6 .

Does someone use the bar card with Wallpanel app?
Only with this the bars are empty.

I have a feature request.
Is it possible to create a long living token for wallpanel and use it for logon?
As I use wallpanel for displays, where the sidebar and the header is hidden, anytime wallpanel has to be restarted, a new logon is required and the old refresh token keeps active as it not will be deleted.
A long living token will simplify this procedure rapidly.

That shouldn’t happen. You need to touch the “keep this login” or whatever it says when you log in the first time.

Or you could use trusted network in the HA setup.