Want to add an item to my shopping list when a counter gets to a value

I’m trying to add items to my shopping list when a counter value gets to a certain value.
I’ve created an automation that says when the counter initial value goes below 3 then add item name to shopping list.
I’ve decreased the timer to 0 but nothing appears in the shopping list

alias: Kitchen - Add Fish Fingers to shopping list
description: when Fish fingers gos below 3 then add to shopping list
  - platform: numeric_state
      - counter.fish_fingers
    attribute: initial
    below: 3
condition: []
  - service: todo.add_item
    metadata: {}
      item: Fish Fingers
      entity_id: todo.shopping_list
mode: single

Remove this. Dunno why you are trying to trigger when the initial value attribute changes, but it won’t work surely?

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yes, thanks. I created the automation with the visual editor and it must have added that attribute by default.

So does it work now?

Yes, thanks

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