Want to call http post from either script or switch

Hello, I have an endpoint I would like to invoke with either a switch or a script. It looks like this:


It cannot parse parameters, I simple call the web string and the flow I want to invoke with stringify happens. How would I call this from Home Assistant?

You can execute an http post command using IFTTT. In IFTTT, use the “Maker Webhooks” component.


Let me know if you need any assistance. Good luck.

Already doing that. Sometimes have huge delays using IFTTT which is why I want to call stringify directly. But thanks :slight_smile:

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A command line switch should do the trick.

Looks like it. Thanks… Any clue to how I would format:

command_on: “/usr/bin/curl -X GET”

I am on windows but assuming it would just be:

command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST https://webhooks.stringify.com/v1/events/mysecretkey1 ?

I use shell_commands for these.

commandname: curl --silent -k "http://< URL >"

(curl defaults to GET)

Then to call it from a script or automation:

- service: shell_command.commandname
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First, you have to install curl for windows : curl - Download
Then you can call it like this:

c:\<pathToCurl>\curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<url>

The content-type header may, or may not be required depending upon your implementation.
I put my curl command in a batch file. That way I can get it running before I try to integrate it into Home Assistant.

This really helped me. Thanks.

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