Want to hide the side bar on an iphone so its not available

I want to hide the sidebar on an iphone and always open up on a specific dashboard (ie Mobile) in the home companion App.

Under a name (in the side bar) there is an option for a default dashboard. That does not seem to do anything as the app just opens on the last dashboard I was looking at, so that does not work. I want it to always open up on a nominated dashboard.

It has another option to Always hide the sidebar, but since I get the menu up top I can get access to all the other dashboards in the sidebar. So that doesn’t really do the job either. I would like to hide that as well for a user.

I only have two users, but on my iphone I just want a super remote and I will do all the clever stuff on my laptop. I amlogged in as the same userid as my laptop HA with full admin rights.

Any ideas on how to achieve this.

Make a new dashboard for your Iphone, set it to kiosk-mode and set Iphone to use the new dashboard.
On your laptop you will see both dashboards and the sidebar, On Iphone only the new dashboard without sidebar or header.
See GitHub - maykar/kiosk-mode: 🙈 Hides the Home Assistant header and/or sidebar

Thanks that did it. I finally found the code for Kiosk-mode in the dashboard editor. Set

hide_sidebar: true

as hide_header was already set to true.

thx for your guidance.