Using Centos 8.2 KVM with iSCSI storage
- I followed the Installing Home Assistant OS guide and was able to install the hassos_ova-4.16.qcow2 appliance on the Centos 8.2 host file system. So, Home Assistant OS was running fine on local storage, but I want to deploy it to iSCSI storage.
- Then, I made an iSCSI target and a 40GB LUN, and made a Linux formatted file system by using fdisk and mkfs. It looks like an xfs file system.
- I mounted the LUN to a directory I made called /lunmount.
- I made another copy of hassos_ova-4.16.qcow2, expanded it to 39GB by using ‘qemu-img resize hassos_ova-4.16.qcow2 +33G’ and copied it to /lunmount.
- KVM virt-manager was able to use that mount, see the qcow2 file, and install the appliance using the same instructions for installing Home Assistant OS using KVM.
To me, this is a kludgy way to install and run hassos on iSCSI storage, but it’s all I could come up with!
Is there a way to enable virt-manager to build the appliance using an ISO installation file, and then install it onto an iSCSI target LUN? Is there another solution that can enable KVM virt-manager to see the hassos qcows2 file on an iSCSI target LUN and install it?
Thanks in advance for any help!