Want to use Hasska but on HASSio. Should I switch to Hassbian?

Hi all,

I figured I’d ask the experts before doing all the work to convert my Hassio installation to Hassbian. I want to use Hasska to get Alexa integration working without needing to do “Alexa ask Home Assistant…”. After getting excited I remembered that Hassio cannot install packages like Hassbian can. I first started with Hassbian before Hassio was released, but switched due to believing Hassio is the future. I don’t want to be left behind by using Hassbian, but the limitations of Hassio don’t seem to be worth it.

Anyway back to my concern, should I switch back to Hassbian or is there a way to get Haaska working with Hassio? Would I eventually be left behind if I go Hassbian?

Thanks everyone.

EDIT: Figured I’d clarify what I want to add to my installation. Just in case.

I think I’m right in saying Hasska isn’t actually part of HA, it’s a separate entity that runs on Amazon’s servers, and works fine with hassio as is.

Where you’re probably confused is people often use the same Pi to compile the upload for AWS as they run HA on which isn’t going to happen on one with hassio on it, you’ll just need to use another device to prepare it or swap SD cards for the process.

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You are correct. Hasska is a little utility that runs on amazons servers.

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This is why I ask the experts. Thank you for that clarification!

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