Wanted: Compatible power strip (OTA flash for convert preferred)

I hate zwave and working to get rid of it and have one power strip where I need individual outlet control (it’s inside a player piano).

With manufacturers moving away from the chips you can OTA re-flash with tuya convert or tasmota then to esphome, it is getting hard to find a wifi outlet strip. All I found have footnotes in various sites like “starting in November shipping with a chip that you cannot OTA flash”.

I’m not against doing it with a serial flash but a lot of these are physically challenging to access.

Does anyone know of any outlet strips (4 would be plenty, indoor is fine) that can OTA reflash and eventually get to esphome? That still work now, please don’t say “it worked a year ago” because most seemed to change late 2020 or early 2021.

In the US. Wifi, not IR or zwave or zigbee… wifi and esphome with local only control, no cloud.
