The current WAQI (World Air Quality Index) sensor allows for only weather station locations as inputs. Such as the following:
- platform: waqi
token: <token>
- 'portland'
I’ve implemented logic to allow for an additional method of identifying locations with geo coordinates and a radius. Of course, if either method specifies a location, a single sensor is located for each stations regardless. The yaml config format would look like:
<longitiude> , <latitiude> , <radius in km>
For example:
- platform: waqi
token: <token>
- 43.9,-133.2,25.0
- 43.8,-111.6,50.0
- 41.1, -111.654789, 2.0
I found this new method easier to maintain and should allow for future new stations or stations retirement, with less user configurations changes.
I’m happy to implement a PR for this change, if I can get community and code owner inputs.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for looking!!