WaresMyClicker - ESP32 Automation Controller/Remote with Knobs and Lights - UK testers wanted

So this is something I’ve been working on for a little while and I’m now looking for any UK coding help to build the esphome component & template - the WaresMyClicker.

It’s basically an ESP32 based general remote/controller for Home Assistant. I haven’t designed it with the intention of being a fully standalone remote (e.g. RF/IR) - it’s main function is to be a non-dumb controller for HA with LED feedback.

I know there’s heaps of solutions out there with touch panels but I do love buttons and knobs :slight_smile:

If you’re interested to try it out and you’re happy to cover a very small amount of £ for postage etc then I can send one or two of these to you from my first run. If you end up helping me with the actual code then I’ll send you my “final” version for just the postage cost again.

These first units aren’t battery powered but the next ones will be :slight_smile:

2 Rotary Encoders
16 Buttons with 16 RGB LEDs
3 Buttons with 3 Red LEDs
Peripheral connections intended for an OLED screen and a Mic

I’ve already got a very functional component for esphome I will share, just needs improvement :slight_smile: my goal is to have minimal esphome config while supporting lots of use-cases in terms of control/feedback.


Forgot to say I should be getting some different knobs in soon too :slight_smile:

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Still have a few of these I can give away to anyone interested :slight_smile:

The esphome config for it is as simple as this currently:

  expander_id: mcp23017_hub
  display_id: internal_display
  display_font_id: font_main
  brightness_step_pct: 10
          button_control_entity: light.living_room
          button_friendly_name: Lights.Living Room
          button_control_entity: light.hyperion
          button_friendly_name: Lights.Hyperion Ctrl
          button_control_entity: switch.irblaster_tv_audio_system
          button_friendly_name: TV & Amp.Power Toggle
          button_control_entity: button.irblaster_amp_volume_up
          button_friendly_name: Amp.Volume Up
          button_control_entity: light.kitchen
          button_friendly_name: Lights.Kitchen

Just bumping :slight_smile: still offering some of these to anyone who wants to test it out

New knobs arrived :slight_smile: :