Warning in logs every 15 minutes - (MainThread) [aiohttp.websocket] websocket connection is closing

Ever since upgrading to 0.107.7, I’ve been getting the error below three times every 15 minutes.

2020-03-29 12:43:55 WARNING (MainThread) [aiohttp.websocket] websocket connection is closing.

Are others seeing this?

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I am also seeing this error on restart of HA

I get this also 3x every 15 minutes. I turned on debug on my logger but don’t get any more additional information, and can’t find a pattern as to what is causing it.

What integrations do you have?
I have google cast, mobile app, nest, SimpliSafe, and zwave.

I was also told that only integrations and the front end use websockets. Is this true? Have you heard the same?

That sounds right about websockets, but don’t know for sure.

I am using:

  • SimpliSafe
  • Badnest Nest integration
  • Zwave via Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 USB Stick ZST10
  • Lutron Caseta
  • Philips Hue
  • iPad and iPhone devices
  • Sonos One speakers with Alexa
  • HomeAssistant Cloud
  • OpenWeather

… I think that’s all.

My plan was to start removing the devices that we had in common. I started with SimpliSafe. I restarted HA after removing the SimpliSafe integration, and haven’t gotten the websocket warning in about 3 hours.

Not sure if this is an issue that should be fixed?

Ah, good find - it probably is SimpliSafe.I know the author of the SimpliSafe component is now using SimpliSafe websockets to process state changes quicker (i.e., HA recognizes the alarm changes states faster than the previous poll of the REST API). The websocket isn’t perfect, so he actually added REST polling as a fallback to if the websocket connection is closed/doesn’t process the state change, the REST API will pick it up. It’s still in dev branch but will hopefully be released soon.

Everything is working fine for me so I’m guessing every 15 mins the SS websocket connection closes and reconnects, hence the warning.

It’s not a fix, but to avoid bogging down my logs, I just added the following to configuration file

  default: warning
    aiohttp: error

It remove aiohttp library warnings and will only log errors.

Good to know. I agree, everything works well on my end as well regarding SimpliSafe.

Thanks for the log recommendations.

Just wanted to say that I am also still getting this error, even with H.A updated.

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