WARNING Sonos Integration Subscription renewal failed 'Precondition Failed'


at my log I found several messages like this over the day. My Sonos (13 different players) are on one subnet with my ESXi based Supervised HA installation (Home Assistant 2023.3.5 / Supervisor 2023.03.1 / Operating System 9.5 / Frontend 20230309.1 - latest):

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sonos.speaker] Subscription renewal failed for Sonos [NAME]: 412, message='Precondition Failed', url=URL('http://[IP]:1400/ZoneGroupTopology/Event')

Playing and controll with Sonos Apps is working fine and the Sonos Network Matrix shows mostly green this warnings at HA from different players and sometimes Players are not showed at frontend.

Any I can check?

I checked the Log if I disconnect a device then it shows:

Subscription renewal failed for Sonos [NAME]: Request timed out

So it seems the failed subscribtion renewal is no connection error over all.


I have bought a new player and exchanged this player but the warning error is still at the log.

Hi @SteffenDE ,
Did you ever figure out why you see that warning in the log? I am also getting the same warning for one of my sonos devices and would like to fix whatever is wrong.


No sorry.

Many people see this in functional Sonos enviroments without a solution …