Was 2023.10.4 pulled back?

Got an update message and postponed it untill now I wanted to update, and now it’s gone. It this an error on my side?

No it was pulled. ZHA issues I think.


huh. I’ve literally just pulled the docker version. Won’t run it now though.

It’s still showing as available (HA container). Is it re-released or was it never pulled for container?

Hm…i’ve already updated. Does this mean it’s best to restore? Not that i’ve noticed issues, though…

Since today, the update to 2023.10.4 is no longer visible for me, yesterday it was still there. It would be nice if there was official information about what’s going on.
However, if in doubt, wait and see what comes…

10.5 should be available soon.

I am on the same boat.

@tom_l do you know if it is recommended to rollback?

See my post above.

Sorry, we posted almost at the same time I think.